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Funny kitty stuff.

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by KittyTales, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    What was the funniest thing your cat has ever done?
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Tiddy once scooped a meatball off my plate with his paw and then practically swallowed it whole (right off his paw) before I could do anything. Sneaky cat. :mrgreen:
  3. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    Thats funny! :lol:
  4. ILoveGreatDanes

    ILoveGreatDanes New Member

  5. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    omg that is hilarious!!!! :eek:
  6. searamab

    searamab New Member

    One night my boyfriend Josh and I were sitting on the coach watching TV when we heard a sudden bout of commotion from the kitchen. We then heard meows of distress and decided to go check it out. We took a quick glace around the kitchen, and no sign of our 4 yr old tabby, Tippy.

    We then heard some rumbling near the sink cabinets and I noticed one of the drawers open. I peeked inside the drawer, but no Tippy, until I saw a that distinct stripped tail, and realized she had somehow managed to climb into the tiny open drawer and from there squeeze into the closed drawer below it. It seemed quite impossible at the time for a cat her size, but after that event, we kept finding her in Josh's underwear drawer.

    Along with kitty acrobatics, cats are also quite flexible ^_^


    On a more recent note of stangeness, we recently adopted a stray kitten, named Cyren, with a very social personality. Tippy is not very fond of others in her species (she likes dogs though) and tries to avoid other cats, so she becomes very alert and hostile when Cyren is around. Well now Cyren's found a way to make sport of Tippy's timidness. Just the other day I saw my 15 lb cat dash across the living room, followed by the skittish leaps of a 3 lb kitten. Cyren loves chasing Tippy; she's kinda like an annoying little sister. ^_^
  7. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    you guys are gonna love this one...it is hysterical... :p

    so everyone knows that max has been on medication now for about four months...both liquid that he has taken through syringe and capsules.

    well.....about three weeks ago, i was at my boyfriends house, and we were just hanging out watching tv in the bedroom. all of a sudden, my boyfriend said "oh my God...look what he has in his mouth!" and there was max, trotting down the hall toward us. he jumps up on the bed, and drops what he has in his mouth right on my chest.

    it was his syringe for his liquid medicine that he had found on the kitchen counter (he loves his liquid medicine) :shock:

    so then!!! about two days ago, i was laying in bed in the morning and i hear him doing something out in the kitchen. im like, "what is he doing out there?" a couple minutes later i hear him make a small meow, and then he jumps up on the bed. and...drops something on my chest again.... :shock:

    it was his bottle of pills :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
  8. searamab

    searamab New Member

    lol :D I wish my cats were that good when it comes to taking medicine. They make a mad dash when they see me approaching with it in my hand. Max must be one smart cat! ^_^
  9. searamab

    searamab New Member

    My parents' cat Caesar knows how to scare away boyfriends. When my current boyfriend, Josh, came to live at my parents house a year ago, Caesar must have not liked an extra male in the house because he started spraying all over Josh's stuff: shoes, clothing, blankets, and so on. It was a smelly mess! Finally Josh had enough and said it's time to move out!
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    Thats so cute seamab.

    Your Max really cracks me up Lynnhaz! :lol:

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