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Fussy Eater??

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by UnderDustersPaw, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. UnderDustersPaw

    UnderDustersPaw New Member

    Hi Everyone. I'm new to message boards so I hope I'm doing this right. I have a 6 month old Shipoo (16 lbs). Last week he started not eating all of his usual amount of food. The last 2 days he has not ate any of his food, even the canned. Tonight I got him to eat a bit by pretending to eat it myself ( I actually spoon fed him!). I know he has an apetite, he accepts his treats and is at the dinner table begging. He's active and seems his normal self but I'm worried cuz he looks like he's starting to lose weight. I should mention too that he's losing some puppy teeth, could this be the problem or is he trying to train me into giving him people food?? Has anyone had this type of experience before??
  2. juliestroup

    juliestroup New Member


    I know my pek-a-poo will not eat a certain kind of dog food at my house, but he eats it all the time at my parents house. He refuses to eat it at home, insteads begs for table scraps. It could be your puppy losing teeth, but if it keeps up you might call your vet. Is it the same food you have been feeding him or have you recently switched? Wish I could help you more!

  3. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Losing his teeth can be a little upsetting to the stomache ,and people food is more appealing to any dog ...don't give him it though ...keep it up with his kibble .if he looks like he is losing too much weight...a vet visit wouldn;t hurt .
  4. Maltipoomama

    Maltipoomama New Member

    I would go with the teething thing. Lyle, who eats like a little piggy, had a bout of the same not-so-hungries.... 2 days later, I happened to find a puppy tooth laying on the floor....

    I went trough it with Gracie and Sammy too. Never found their teeth though...

    But always be too cautious because every little baby is different!

    If you can, try to check in his mouth and see if you notice any abnormalties, or "Empty" spaces where a tooth should be. All of my maltipoos have always left me do that.... made me feel better! Good luck and keep us posted!

  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: First and foremost, WELCOME to Auspet!!! :eek:

    All very good points everyone!!! :y_the_best: You don't want him in the mindset that he doesn't need to eat "his" food (kibble) because you'll give in and let him have table scraps. If you don't already do this, you could mix a little bit of canned food with his kibble to make it a little more appetizing for him, and the soft texture (from the canned food) a little easier on the gums. Be sure to mix the canned real well with the dry so he doesn't only eat the canned food and leave the kibble behind. Another option would be "VitaGravy" - it's a liquid/gravy (with vitamins) that you can drizzle over his food to provide a little more flavor, and in turn, the kibble more enticing for the dog.

    Another thing, a puppy's appetite will gradually decrease as he/she goes from puppy to adult, so that's another thing to keep in mind!

    If he continues not to eat a reasonable amount, I would take him to the vet to check for any other problems that may be causing him to not eat and lose weight...better safe than sorry!!!

    Best wishes, and let us know how he does!!! :D
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Its very true, once you have your dog eating people food, they get very spoiled and its hard to get them to eat their own food. That very well sounds like the teething is the problem. I agree with the others.

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