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Getting two Shih poos on the 30th - any tips??

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by casper, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. casper

    casper New Member

    Hi all - new here and I have a feeling I'm gonna get addicted to this site as many of you already are :) Great posts - I can tell I'll learn a lot from here.

    Anyway - as the subject states - I am getting two male shih poos on July 30th and would like any preparation tips and anything else you think might be helpful with regards to shih poos. I've had a large dog before and know about training and what not; I'm looking more for tips re: small dogs and shih poo specific 'concerns' :)

    I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but they'll be 'toy' shih-poos.

    Thx in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new puppies! :D

    There are a few shihpoo owners here that I'm sure will have some good tips for you.
  3. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Hate to be on the flip side of things but honestly I would NOT get two puppies at once. It is generally much easier two start with one, raise and spend the time training it properly first and then add a second dog when the first is trained and reliable.

    This is a link to an article called DOUBLE TROUBLE.......Raising Two Puppies At Once!

    I've never really understood the reasoning behind two puppies at once - the typical answer I hear is the concept that they will keep each other company and have a playmate which is good in theory but in reality there is much more to consider. Having one well socialized, nicely trained companion first is more important. Its a bit of a red flag - I don't know many reputable breeders who would sell two puppies of the same age to one household. Its difficult, and IMO not fair to either dog. Each dog gets only half of you. They do bond to each other more and will often listen to the other dog over you - not always as puppies but as adults it can happen. So extra work on your behalf is definitely required.

    Link: Buying two puppies at once

    Its also a lot more expensive and time consuming - in order for each to get sufficient human bonding/one on one time you will need to train, walk, play with them separately. Also be prepared for double the vet bills, feeding costs etc etc........

    Anyway if nothing else its good to be aware of what can happen.
  4. casper

    casper New Member

    Jas, thx for the concern but I think we'll be ok. My house has 5 ppl who can take care of them and the puppies are technically mine and my brother's. Also, in September I'll be going back to school so Casper will be going with me and, therefore, separated from his brother. So August should be an itneresting month. Thx again for the concern but things should be ok. I totally agree with you tho, I wouldn't want to take care of two puppies by myself - one is enough! :D
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: WELCOME to the board Casper!!! :eek:

    Yep, I would be one of those addicted members...it's hard not to become addicted, so beware!!! :wink:

    WOOOOHOOOO congrats, and welcome to the "shih-poo owner's circle"!!! :lol: Pictures are a MUST (no exceptions...j/k, kind of...lol)!!! :y_the_best:

    (BTW, I have two shih-poos, they're brothers, and I gotta' say, they are just the best in every way! I'm so glad I went with shih-poos, and I am so glad that I got the two of them!)

    Gosh, I don't even know where to start! One thing that I will remind you of, as I am sure you are already aware of, is that shih-poos are small dogs (obviously), therefore they have very small bladders as puppies. So you must realize that they simply can NOT hold it for long periods of time, meaning they will need frequent trips outdoors to eliminate when puppies. (BIG difference from large breed dogs!)

    -Lot's of exposure to all types of people and situations (when it is safe to do so obviously...i.e. after all shots)

    -Just b/c it is a small dog doesn't mean they won't or can't control you...believe me, small dogs can be quite bossy when not shown that they are NOT the boss! You don't have to be mean to teach a dog this, but gentle and firm training is necessary. (The only reason why I bring this up is b/c I often encounter people who have this idea that small dogs can't take over their owner, and that simply isn't the truth. The owners let the dog walk all over them without ever disciplining, which is not a direction one should go. Any dog- big or small - who is led to believe they are the boss will do so without hesitation, and you will end up with the dog from he double hockey sticks. I've worked with a couple, and let me just say this, if anyone ever tells you that small dogs can't be scary b/c of their size, they are WRONG! :shock: I mean, it takes a lot for a dog to really intimidate me, but these little 8 lb. dogs were an exception!)

    -Obedience training is a FANTASTIC idea...I highly recommend it (big or small dog)!!! There are just so many great reasons to do so.

    -Harnesses are great for small dogs! (And big dogs, but that's not what we're talking about)

    -It's NOT necessary, or any more helpful, to litter/paper train a small dog. They are more than capable of going outdoors (even in the winter months)! (I realize some people do it for specific reasons, i.e. they live in an apt. and it's difficult to bring the dog outside every time the need arises, and other situations, so I'm not saying that paper training is bad. I'm just pointing out the fact b/c I often hear people say that small dogs will learn faster if they are paper trained, small dogs can't go outside during the rain or cold, small dogs aren't smart enough to be trained to eliminate outdoors, etc. All of which are simply not true. If you plan on having your dogs do their business outdoors in the future, only train them to go outdoors. Paper training often, NOT always, leads to problems.)

    -Lots of positive reinforcement, persistence, patience, and a positive attitude is necessary with any puppy (as I'm sure you know)!

    That's all I can think of at this moment, but I know that there's so much more. If you have any further questions or issues that you would like to discuss, please be sure to let us know. :y_the_best:

    Best of luck with your shih-poos, I can't wait to hear all about them (and see their pics)! :D


    As far as getting two:

    If someone came up to me and asked if they should get one or two dogs, I would tell **MOST** people to just get one, train him/her well in every aspect, then latter on down the road, get another. However, I firmly believe that under the right circumstances two would be okay.

    I have two shih-poos, whom I got at once (they're brothers). Do I believe the expenses are twice as much since I have two instead of one? Yep, sure do! But, if I got just one to begin with, then another later on, the expenses would add up to be the same!

    Do I feel as though they are/were deprived of attention and what not since I got two at once? Nope, not in the least bit! I had, and have, more than ample time to spend time with both of them individually and together. I am more than well aware of a dog's needs, and such needs, and then some, were provided in every way, shape and form.

    Do I feel having two was twice as much work? In some situations, yes, and in some situations, no. Overall, I feel as though the extra work that had to be put in as a result of having two was minimal and very easy to handle. (Admittedly, I have a lot of experience with dogs, and working with multiple at one time, so maybe that's why I found it to be very easy. I don't know.)

    Are my dogs well trained since I had them both at once, and had to train them both at once? Yes, EXTREMELY well trained, no doubt. Both were extensively socialized and trained very early on, and are happy, healthy, thriving pups. (Just a note, such a statement is shared by many others who know my dogs.) Another thing, it didn't take me long at all to housebreak them despite having to housebreak two at once! I found it to be very easy, as a matter of fact. I have had to housebreak only one dog in the past, and I found having to housebreak two was hardly more work. That's only my opinion though.

    Do they listen to each other more than they listen to me? Absolutely NOT! However, I was aware of methods and techniques in which are important to do in raising two puppies at once to prevent such problems, among others, so I was very careful to follow the steps to ensure such problems would not arise! (The BIG key is separation times...it helps if you have others around to help for this. Having extra helping hands around the house really helps when raising two puppies at once!!!)

    Can one of my dogs not handle it if the other is not in sight? Nope, tested it many times, and such is not the case. Again, I took steps to prevent the problem, and will continue to do so for their benefit.

    Will reputable breeders adopt two puppies out together into one home? Some will, some won't.

    Alright, I'm done preaching. I agree that most people should get one to begin with, then one more later on if that's what they wish. I just felt that I needed to share my side of the argument...that's all!

    Thanks! :D
  6. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hello and welcome to Auspet!!!! You will love it here!! :D

    The others have provided some great info so I'll try my best not to repeat.

    My husband and I picked up our 2 female shih-poos on May 27th. They are sisters, named Molly & Emma. I share MyBaby's thoughts on two puppies at once. I am a first time dog owner and I have to say that I thought raising two would be more difficult.. granted, we've only had our girls for about two months, but so far so good! I can't imagine not having the two of them! They are so happy playing with each other and equally happy when they gang up on mommy & daddy! :mrgreen:

    I can't wait to hear more about your shih-poos & see pictures!!! :D
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    WELCOME to the addiction, Casper!! :)

    I only have one shihpoo, so therefore no advice for ya... but had to say hello!!

    I also agree on the MANDATED PICTURE REQUIREMENT!! :) hehe

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