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Gigantic private parts on female American Bulldog

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Atlanta American Bull, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. I recently posted a question about vaginal prolapse in our 18-month old, American Bulldog. We "rescued" this sweet dog from a kennel in which she was neglected and possibly abused. We believe that she was rejected by the kennel staff because she was unable to breed. We obtained the dog just prior to her 2nd heat cycle.

    As it turns out, spaying did correct the prolapse and she's doing much better. She weighed 56 lbs when we got her, and she now weighs 70 and is still on the upswing. Thanks to everyone who gave advice on the treatment of vaginal prolapse.

    However, one thing that has remained unchanged is that this dog has a large, cosmetically unattractive vagina. I realize this sounds very superficial, but it is to the degree that people immediately take notice of it when they see the dog, and some have made fun of the dog. I would describe it as "bulbous" as it hangs down like a thick tube below her tail. The pink lips of her vagina are also quite visible. I am not sure if this causes any kind of urinary problem. It does seem that her urine "sprays" rather than coming out in a stream, but this might be an after-effect of the recent spaying.

    The vet we currently use (who spayed her) does not seem to be particularly knowledgable about canine gynecological problems. She also thinks we should just ignore her gigantic private parts, and feels that some of that will be less apparent as the dog gains weight (we are doubtful).

    Has anyone heard of such a problem? Could it simply be a congenital abnormality in the size/shape? We are seriously interested in finding out if there is a way to alter her cosmetically abnormal vagina/vulva, to make it more "normal looking." At present, it truly looks like an appendage. :?
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    SOUNDS like there is still some prolapse of the vagina and this SHOULD be corrected as it may cause infection not sure how that works once spayed but I'm sure is just as serious as anything...

    AGAIN as I mentioned before. Find a vet that works with breeders of bully and large breed dogs as they will be much more able to help you in this and will likely be experienced in something like this as well.

    Sounds like your vet still didn't get the WHOLE job done as we said earlier about this and I hope you see a different vet for the problem. Hope I don't sound rude here but don't ask our advice if you are instisten upon NOT taking it.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hmmmm. I know nothing about this. :) But could it be she still has hormones making her body think it is in heat? How long ago was she spayed? Maybe a second opinion from a vet more knowledgeable about this topic?
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I am glad to hear she is doing much better. I would take the advice here that people recommend you see a different vet,for another opinion. I think Sarah is pretty knowledgeable in this area and giving some good heartfelt advice

    Do you have good bully breeders in your area that can call and refer you to a vet in this type of breed. Or call around to other vets and ask if they are knowledgable with this and large breed problems

    good luck
  5. She was spayed about 2 weeks ago

    She was spayed 2 weeks ago and was spayed while in heat, so her hormones could very well still be going down...

  6. Our vet assured us that spaying would solve the problem

    And in fact, she believes that the problem is solved. She seems to think that we should ignore the cosmetic issues, so long as everything is okay health-wise. She's kind of an "old country doctor" type of vet, and is very conservative in terms of doing procedures.

    But I agree, at this point we are ready to consult with someone else. We are located near a major vet school and may be able to have her looked at there.

  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hormones will still cause swelling as will the trauma from the prolapse in that area. We just had a female Boerboel prolapse, a friend of mine's dog and it was vaginal and HUGE...however a week later after a stitch to solve the problem was inserted to wait for the heat cycle to be finished before a coplete spay later and the dog looked very normal rather than a large swelling.... No "lip" protrusion you mention and no spray of urine when she potties. The prolapse had only been pushed back in and a stitch put in place to hold it there till the heat cycle ended. This WHOLE prolapsed peice of flesh will be removed along with a regular spay once the dog is out of heat... I say all of this only to illustrate how odd your problem sounds in the big scheme of things. If the MD did only the uterine type spay and did not take out the EXTRA that caused the prolapse you'll likely see another MINOR prolaps of the vagina AGAIN during her heat which is currently in progress. She's full of hormones and swelling so this may be causing the problem, HOWEVER that extra flesh should have been removed or stitched into place unitl her heat cycle is over and she gets her spay stitches removed.... What you refer to as "lips" is likely vaginal prolapse only very minor...but either way this is an opening to your dogs inner organs and an infection in this area is serious and the fact that part of the inner part is on the external of the dog...makes infection more of a possiblity.

    Prolapse is unfortunately rather common in the Boerboel, my breed, and this problem you are mentioning is not something we hear about except in a prolapse situation, meaning there is still prolapsed tissue for your girl... Generally most vets repair the prolapse then wait till the heat cycle is over and at that point do a spay. I really do urge you to go to a vet that specializes in the large breed dogs/animals etc... Where are you located. I might be able to get you in touch with an AB or Boerboel breeder in the area who may be able to refer you to a vet more familiar with the problem.
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    please keep us posted on the outcome.
    I do learn something new here every day, never heard of these problems before this

    good luck
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I have to agree. Swelling or abnomily large vaginal cavities where flesh is still knotice able is a problem.

    Basically she's still having a prolapse, although minor, its still open to infection, injury and could get serious enough to cause major health problems. I highly reccommend you taking her to another vet.

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