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good tank mates for gupgups?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by AbbieShihTzu, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. AbbieShihTzu

    AbbieShihTzu New Member

    My gups are a bit lonely in their ever-so boring tank. THey have no other species friends. What type of fish is a good tank mate.
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    what size tank are they in and how many guppies do you have right now?
  3. AbbieShihTzu

    AbbieShihTzu New Member

    about 15 gallons. two guppies and a pleco. :)
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    What kind of pleco is it? Most plecos commonly sold at LFS's get WAY too big for a 15 gallon tank. As for what to add, you could add more guppies or other livebearers like mollies or platys.

  5. AbbieShihTzu

    AbbieShihTzu New Member

    THanks for the warning about the fish and the recomendation.The shop I bought Hoover from asked me to show them how big the tank was, and chose a good pleco. I actually wanted a larger one, but they wouldn't sell him to me. Hoover I have had for about 2 months, and I bought him at two months old. He had a growth spurt and grew to be about 1 1/2 centimeters.

    p.s Is there any way I can keep my fish from eating their babies without a trap? This hasn't ever worked for me, and Hoover, still being small can't clean very fast, so a bigger plant isn't really an option. I will be getting mollies probably, so will get another plant that day, maybe along with another pleco because Hoover is so small.

    p.p.s can you show guppies? :lol:

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