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Grab a Tissue :0(

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, May 6, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    A friend of mine just recently lost her dog of 12 years and I was searching the internet for inspirational poems to send to her because she has really had a hard time dealing with the loss of her dog. I came across this poem that made me cry my eyes out.

    ~Thank You~

    It's been a while now.
    I guess the time has come for me to say goodbye.
    Before I do, I wish to say a few words.

    Thank you

    For all that you have given me, every day, without question.
    No one could ever understand, how special it was,
    To have someone who would love me,
    Even when the whole world was mad.

    Thank you

    For your unconditional acceptance
    When no one was talking to me, you were there to understand
    That sometimes my mouth didn't exactly portray,
    What my heart what was trying to say

    Thank you

    For always greeting me when I came home from work.
    Even when everyone else was sleeping.

    Thank you

    For always coming when I ask you to.
    I guess you knew that sometimes, at that moment
    I needed someone there, because I had a worried or troubled thought.

    Thank you

    For always guarding my life with yours.
    Your bark was not so much a reflection of your ability,
    but rather a symbol of what you were protecting.

    Thank you

    For giving me years of happiness.
    your love and devotion was never taken for granted.

    Thank you

    For being strong and holding out...
    To give me one more night, to know all the love that we shared.
    When the Doctors told me there was nothing they could do to save you...
    and that any attempt to do so, would be nothing but a feeble attempt...
    to keep you in my life.
    I thanked you by giving them permission
    to take away one of the most precious things I have ever had in my life.

    Thank you
    For allowing me to say goodbye
  2. Jules

    Jules New Member

    That's sweet you trying to help your friend through this tough time. I don't think many people would really understand, especially if those people are not pet lovers. I spend more time with my pets than I do with any person, we practically spend all day and night together.
    I was reading a book, and it came to a sad chapter about a pet dying, and I had to hold back the tears, and then all of a sudden came to a harsh reality check that one day I'd have to say goodbye to my pets. I was just overwhelmed by the emotions caused by this feeling and thought that this would be unbearable.
    Best wishes to your friend.
  3. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I am sorry for your friends loss .The poem is beautiful and very touching .
    As i have lady ,a rescue I have had for 5 yrs . This week I have to make that decision .That dreadful decision .I am hoping and praying it doesn't have to be .The poem touched me deeply .
  4. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Hi, thanks for sharing that poem, it was lovely.
    I wasn't that touched by it until the last bit. I think anyone who's spent months knowing you *have* to make *that* decision soon will be teary at that point. That last night was so precious for and when I think back to it it's as hard now as it was then, 7 years ago.
    Anyone who's not had a pet leave them won't understand the greif you go through and how weeks, months later little things can still have you in floods of tears.

    I'm sure we all feel for your friend right now, but soon she'll be remembering the good times :)
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What a beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing with us, and I'm sorry for your friend's grief.

    I always dreaded the first "big pet" death, as I never had anything besides gerbils or mice die before. My first "big pet" death was last summer, when my dog died. I think part of the difficulty with her death is that it was so unexpected and sudden. She seemed to have a mild cold for two days, and then she was dead. It was devastating.

    That was last July and I still cry easily over her. Does it ever stop?

  6. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I am at the point now where I also have to make a decision about my cat she is 10 years old and perfectly healthy until a couple of months ago.
    I woke up one morning to this awful snorting sound molly was making and when I found her she had this big blister like tumor thing protruding from her nose causing her to breath hard because it was blocking her nostril at least that's what I thought. I took her to the vet that day and found out in fact her nostrils were full of all these tiny little tumors that had to be removed immediately so she went through the surgery and everything seemed ok and then 2 weeks later they came back and this time had doubled and were moving down her throat as well. My vet told me nothing else could be done because the tumors would just keep coming back.
    So here I am now being very selfish I know Molly needs to be put to sleep but I love her so much she has been a part of my life for a decade she was just a little baby when I brought my first child home.
    I swear she knows when Im sad or hurt and when my children cry she goes running to see whats wrong. She does not seem to be in pain or suffering she still eats and drinks.
    But on the other hand I know she must be she snorts all day and has to breath through her mouth and her nose is now competely blocked with tumors that are starting to grow on the outside of her nose as well.
    I know it's time but how? How do you get the courage to actually do it.
    I know this is terrible but sometimes I actually hope she will just pass on naturally so that I don't have to make the decision.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If you would like the e-mail address of the homeopath I am using, please e-mail me for it. She can tell you if she thinks she would be able to help or not. Her rates are fairly reasonable.

  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Yes I would Jamiya. I am assuming any remedies she may have are all natural? I visit the holistic dog website quite a bit for questions about my dogs but have not been able to find any really good resources for cats.
    Thanks so much.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Don't make the mistake of equating "natural" with "safe." They are not the same thing! But I am learning a lot about homeopathy and it really makes a lot of sense to me.

  10. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    That was such a good poem and very meaningful. That is the final and best gift you can give a pet that you love. To be able to end their suffering and a promise to be with them again. My old pets that I had to end their suffering, I swear they looked at me when the Vet was ready to give them "The Shot" and thank me for all the wonderful years we spent together and for letting them go to a better place where they are no longer sick. I always wished that I had that option with some of my family members who were suffering from debilitating diseases.
  11. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    What a wonderfull poem! I always save the poems and things people post on here b/c you never know when you or someone else will need them.

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