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Grrr... I couldn't find the chat room

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Blessed, Oct 7, 2004.

  1. Blessed

    Blessed New Member

    Sorry I missed it! I just couldn't find how to get there.

  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Go to the very bottom of any auspet page and you will see the word chat. Click and it will show you what to do.
  3. Blessed

    Blessed New Member

    Okay, maybe I'm nuts, but I've looked on several pages and don't see anything with "chat". Hmm... I'll keep looking Puttin.

  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    No I'm seriuos the very bottom of the barrel of the page, this one and all the others I believe Its written in blue 'CHAT"
    More down, down down Its there.
    bottom of the page dead center.
  5. Blessed

    Blessed New Member

    Okay Puttin, at the risk of REALLY sounding nuts, it is not here. Nothing... no word "chat" anywhere. Not bottom center. Nowhere. I wonder why that is. At least on my page. I wonder if anyone else has that. Hmmm....

    Even in the "Auspet Link Xchange" box at the bottom center of page, there is only "join", "previous site", "next site". And above that, there is nothing that reads "chat".


    But thanks.
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :) Let me see if I can help...it's worth a shot, right:

    It's NOT above that (the "Auspet Link Xchange" box), it's actually a little below that! You'll notice the "Auspet Link Xchange" box, then, a little ways UNDER that box, it says in small black letters "####### vistiors since Jan. 2002," then directly under that (very close under it), there is one small word written in blue that says, *CHAT* - that's the link you want!!! :y_the_best:

    Let us know if you find it (good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you find it)! :D

    (Basically, it is at the VERY, VERY, VERY bottom of the page, it's the VERY last word written on the page!)
  7. Blessed

    Blessed New Member

    Okay, this is weird! I see the visitors since 2002 thing, but there is Nothing below that. So I put my cursor there anyway, and even though the word "Chat" is NOT there, the cursor's arrow turned into a pointed finger and then showed where it would be a direction to chat. But there is not even the most faint blue, or any color, of any word. Hmm...

    That's strange. But hopefully, I can remember that when it comes Wed. evening and I want to join you guys for a chat.

    Thanks alot!
  8. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I believe someone put up a sticky with the chat link, alot of members had problems with it not being on their page. If not after checking all the forums try doing a search I know the link has been posted before.

    BTW You guys still having chat? I havent made it to one yet.
  9. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    ummmm... i see it there. its' truly at the verrrrrrrrrrrrry bottom. I believe it's at the bottom of every page.... I know it's at the bottom of this thread.

    ((((handing binoculars over!!!))))
  10. Blessed

    Blessed New Member

    Haha. (handing back binoculars with the extra zoom lens) :oops:

    It is SO not there. I've looked on several pages. Actually, I did do a search the other night. But, it's funy. If I put my cursor over that area, it says there is a chat button, but it IS NOT visible on my pages. It's very weird.

    Maybe I need a bigger screen! :shock:

    Oh well.

    Did I mention I'm getting a new puppy??? :D
  11. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Okay, I did a PRINTSCREEN... I'll email it to ya.

  12. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Well at least you know wher it is now.

    Did I mention that I'M getting a puppy? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. LOL When is it again. November right?
  13. azsunlover

    azsunlover New Member

    Chat link

    Well I am experiencing the same problem as Blessed. But after reading all the posting, I now find that if I put my arrow on mouse right at the middle of the bottom of the page, it will show a link and I clicked on it and it took me to the chat room. It didn't have any color or name, just some dots in a square. Gosh, I have a 19in monitor so it shouldn't be my screen. Maybe that is the same problem I am having when I go to my profile and try to figure out how to attach a picture. There is nothing showing for me to do it. I am not a novice on the p.c. so I would say there is definitely something not totally running right on this web page.
  14. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    In the profile area, there is no upload area. The picure needs to be brought from a site storing your pictures online. It would be great if they had the upload with the browse next to it.
  15. Rene

    Rene New Member

    are you guys going to have a chat??? i want to join in please :D

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