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Hahns, feathers has a thing for small balls... is this ok?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Bessy, Feb 12, 2005.

  1. Bessy

    Bessy New Member

    :?: I referenced Feathers a while back as the itchy hahn's. She is 11 months old and she has started SITTING on her 'cat' balls. She will back up wiggle around and plop/fluff her hind end on it. She then makes cooing noices...

    Is this just a hahns being silly or is this somthing we need to be concerned. While it is cute (like when she mutters herself to sleep) I don't want it to trigger the urge to lay eggs....
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI what she is showing is mating behaviour what she is trying to do is mate with the balls.

    It is best to remove anything she can use as a nest and anything she could consider as a mate as she will eventually start to lay eggs.
    How old is she?

  3. Bessy

    Bessy New Member

    she was hatched 04/08/04[/img]
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Yeah she is 6months old or almost and her hormones are raging at 6months old they are quite capable to breed but its advisable not to breed until 2years of age.

    Since you are not breeding and do not want her to lay eggs like i say you will have to remove anything she can use as a nest, change things around in her cage and if possible place the cage in a different area this usually distracts the bird puts them on edge so the will not lay eggs as they feel its unsafe to do so and there eggs will be at risk of predators.


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