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Hands full

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok so I've really gotten my hands full now.

    Out of the six last puppies to enter my "care", only three have made it. I'm baffled as to why the other three died. But I have firm suspision it was from severe malnutrition mixed with a horrible infestation of worms. All the puppies are happy little buggars. Then I come home ( I was gone for about 2 hrs, shopping for dog food, go figure) and one had passed.
    Of course parvo flashed into my mind. Off to get cleaned and checked,a nd bleaching the pens.... NOpe thats not the culprit.

    Sooo An hour later, another one dies....I'm freeking at this poing. WTH is going on??? Its 101 degree's outside, and thats not it...they are in the airconditioning....they're all playing and happy as can be...none show signs of illness.... Hmmmmm
    So yesterday evening the third little girl dies. So Called the vet. He can't figure it out either.... SO the thre (hairless) puppies are scrubbed again last night with the mange "solution" and fed, and put away for the night.
    This morning.. three heads pop up (to my relief) and the yipping begins. Breakfast!

    So I'm heart broken that three passed, and worried sick about the other three. THy are rottie mix puppies possibly some shephard in them or chow chow.
    Anyhow. Thye have the scarpic mange, and being treated with the dip solution daily. I make sure they don't lick themselves, ect... they are fully dewormed now and healthy other than a severe case of uglyness.

    So my question is this, can they still die even after the worms have been treated??? Can they cause that much damage that even after the worms have been irradicated, that the pups can die from it?

    I don't understand the reason they are dying. The vet says their fine, as far as he and the blood work can tell. The rest of the tests should be in by this evening. He's going to call me if he finds out anything from them.

    And another question. These little stinkers HATE, and I mean HATE baths. They scream and wiggle and try to bite as soon as they hit the watter. Its warm water.....
    I'm just wondering if its not the solution "burning" or stinging them a bit. They are hairless. Except for the little tufts at the base of their heads and tails....poor things...their just sooo ugly.
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    oh I am really sorry you lost those 3. Don'T know what to tell you about it though. Strange??
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm so sorry, Sams. It must be so heartbreaking! If the vet can't find anything specific wrong, I am thinking it is just an extremely poor start in life coupled with probable bad genetics that is killing these pups. Just too many insults (worms, mange, etc) piled on top of unhealthy immune systems. Who knows if the mommy was adequately cared for, but my guess is not.

    At least they died loved and cared for, and they are in a better place now where no one will ever hurt them again. I know it doesn't help much. Nothing does. I don't think I could do what you are doing. :(

  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I've been mulling over it most of the day. Whether or not to have these guys pts or not. Even if they do come outta the mange, whats their health going to be like in the future? Are they going to be adoptable..there's a thousand questions. and with the shephard genetics that are obviously there, what about hip displaysia, and traits. Right now they are just really itchy and other than that acting like normal pups.

    I don't know. I'm going to give the little stinkers a chance, but if they don't pull outta the mange and start fattening up, I'll probably have no other choice. The malnutrition has taken its effect on one of the pups. You can definaltly tell she's much much much smaller than the others. Their little tummies are full, and they are cool. They play hard, and crash harder. I'm just worried.

    They have sores all over them from scratching. So they're on antibiotics to prevent infection, and the dip is supposed to help clear it up. We'll see....
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    My dog Rufus went thru three mange baths at the vet. He was scared to death for a while going there is fear he was to get another bath. He does better now.
    So sorry about the pups. Maybe the worms had done too much damage to their insides.
  6. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Did vet check for coccidiosis, caused from stress and filth.In sarcoptic mange clinical symptoms are much eaiser to reconize. The sarcoptic mite causes itchy skin which is not present in the demodectic type. Scabs form on the skin, and hence the condition is called scabies by some people. The dog sheds its hair and in serve cases becomes almost totally bald. Sarcoptic mange spreads much more rapidly than demodectic mange, and it has an unmistakable diagnotisic musty order. \
    Sulphur preparations and insecticides kill this type of mange. In generalk treatment for mange the bedding must be changed regularly to prevent the animal from becoming reinfested. Besides baths, onintments, and medications, it is necessary to observe strict sanitary procedures with the paitent. Incidentally although it's not likely, these types mange can be communicated to humans. Carefully disinfecting one's hands after treating an animal with mange is recommended. and My hubby caught this mange or scabies from a pug once.
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry that you lost 3 of the pups. On the other 3 I would guess the baths might be stinging their skin a bit. I hope they recover and are healthy enough to be adoptable. Best wishes.
  8. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Sam, I found that article and hoped it would help. also i'm so sorry about your losing 3 babies i know when you work so hard its a bit ruff to lose any.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Kindness. Thats what we are doing. Each day I bleach their pen. and wash the blankets in the "outside" washing machine. (I have another washing machine for our clothes inside)

    Any how. I re dipped them again last night. (I always wear laytex gloves and my hair is in a bun, Its long straight and golden, and goes to my wiaist!!! I don't want to lose that! I donate it once a year to the Locks of Love foundation. It grows very rapidly. Like 34'' in a year!!!!) and their scabs are getting much much better. They even have a bit of peach fuzz growing back on their backs and legs!!!! ITs growing back black on their bodies and brown on their legs.

    All three were being little stinkers last night and running and playing this morning. I feed them each separatly in foil pie pans....(so I don't have to reuse them each time. you never know if something is left over even after cleaning them) One desided to grab ahold of the dish and take off!!!! I had a trail of smooshy puppy food everywhere!!! THen ofcourse they all had to run through it. It looked like puppies on ice! they slipped and slid everywhere!

    Then later around 7:30pm I heard the dogs all raising heck. SO I run outside and theirs a black and tan coonhound in my yard!!!! SO someone opened the gate and put him in!!! He was trying to fight Smokey through the kennel!!! So I coaxed him away with a bowl of food and put a rope around his neck. He's leash trained, and you can see where a collar has been on his neck. He's full blood, and very shy. He's probably 1-2 yrs old, skinny and very dog agressive!!! SO he's in the 2nd quarentine pen until I find out his story from the vet.

    Uhhhhhghhh... I need a vacation!
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh my lord. Sam, you are well known in your area aren't you. That was not so bright of an idea, who ever let that dog into your yard knowing full well you have dogs there and he was dog aggressive. Hope things are well.
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    mother in law checked on him. He's sleeping in the igloo. Ate all his breakfast, and drank most of his water.

    "Raskal" (the ugliest bald pup) got outta his pen..... momma said he was running around the garage!!! Grrr... little stinker!
  12. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Must be the smartest and most self confident one of the bunch. LOL

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