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Harley is peeing in the house!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by bullylove1, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Hi everyone:
    I know I have been a bad forum participant in the last while but I have a question.
    Harley has been going to the bathroom lately when we are not home. I always put her out before I leave and this has never happened in 3 yrs.
    I am going to make an appt with the vet, I was just looking for some suggestions as to what it could be. I am thinking it may be a bladder infection but wouldn't that make her try to go less?
    There is no disruption in her going normally, it just seems to have increased. There was 2 days that she refused to go b/c it had rained straight for over a week and she is scared of water. Could this have started a bad habit of her thinking this is okay.
    (just to let you know I didn't let her go inside she just refused to pee outside)
    Enough rambling....any suggestions are appreciated
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    urinary tract infection perhaps? That usually also causes an increase and water intake plus a lot of "personal" licking.
    My dog is chronic w/them so now all I need to do is call the vet and they let me pick up an antibiotic. But I put Sadie on cranberry a few months ago and she hasn't had one since.
    UTIs cause painful urination so the dog won't fully void their bladder...and then have to go again in a short time. Sometimes they leak, which might be what you are finding.
    Good luck - at least UTIs are easy to clear up if that's what it is
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    maybe from holdong it in all day, made her get an infection?
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, it's quite possible that if she held it for so long she may have picked up an infection. Nala had one when we brought her home from the shelter. She peed ALL the time. Amazingly enough, she rarely had accidents in the house, but she was a puppy so I was home all day, watching her like a hawk, and taking her out very frequently.

    If it's not that, then follow all the usual suggestions - use a black light to look for soiled areas of the carpet, use an enzyme-based cleaner to clean it (people have said to saturate the carpet and NOT blot it up), and watch her more closely. If there is any way to confine her to a smaller space when you can't be home that might help too. Look at it as a temporary return to puppy potty training but it shouldn't last as long this time.

    And you are not a bad forum participant! We all get busy and can't participate sometimes. :)
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Thanks for the input guys!
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    When Brie has a UTI she has blood in her urine. She will pee a full amount and then leave "dots" of bloody urine.

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