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Hello New guy with a question about his Shih-Tsu's feet.

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by James, Aug 30, 2004.

  1. James

    James New Member

    Hello everyone

    My name is James, my dogs name is Abby. I adopted Abby a Shih-Tsu from a rescue foundation almost four years ago. She has had a few health problems in her life and gets medication for her eye's daily.

    My problem is this, I have noticed Abby licking her paw's A LOT lately. Yesterday when we awoke from a nap she had been going non stop on her front paws and now the fir around them is stained with blood. I looked at her front paws and didnt see any cuts or rashes. They do look irriated from her constant licking. I gave her a bath and really washed her feet well. She is licking them right now as I type.

    Could she have a infection? Do Dogs get Atheletes foot?

    I called her Vet and they cant see her till Thursday, its Sunday night. There is a 24 HR emergency Vet that Abby and I have been to a few times, but its like 40 miles away. If this is a emergency I am happy to drive her. I just dont know if this is a emergency or not.

    Any advice would be helpful.

    Thank you
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Hello James......(and Abby).... and WELCOME to the board!

    Usually that comes from allergies, so the first questions is: have you done anything different ? New food, perhaps? Started her on a different walk?? There is obviously something new to her that is irritating her..... Then again, she may have just developed new allergies. My friend's dog developed allergies to his dog food (most common!) out of the blue!

    I am sorry, but I haven't had to deal with this (yet!) with my shihpoo (shihtzu/poodle mix), but I've read about it a lot on this board and others.... I'm sure there are others that can give better help.

    One thing that I DO know is that you can give her children's benadryl, but I can't remember the dosage.... call your vet and ask them about the dosage, so you can give it to her to get her by before Thursday. I had to give my dog benadryl (children's version tho! very important) for a hot spot and it worked pretty good for the itching... he still scratched a LITTLE, but NOTHING at all like he was. Does the vet know that she's BLEEDING? I'm surprised they can't squeeze her in before Thursday!?!? :(
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    WELCOME aboard James, glad you're here!!!

    What a kind thing you did by rescuing Abbey, kudos to you! :y_the_best:

    As far as her problem, I ditto what MonsterBailey said!

    Have you taken her on a walk recently where she walked on lawns? There may have been some sort of fertilizer or lawn treatment that she got on her paws and is having an allergic reaction?! Could be a food allergy? Did she split or break a nail? There's nothing sharp stuck in her foot? Splinter? Did you use a new cleaning solution on your floors? No accidental cuts? ETC.

    Did you mention to your vet that her foot (feet) are bleeding? In situations such as this, they should be able to squeeze you in for a quick check! If they can't I would call another good vet in your area and see if they can fit her in, or even go to a 24hr. clinic!

    In the meantime, it would be best if you put some booties on her to keep her from licking/biting at her feet, and try not to take her for any walks until you know what the problem is...walking will probably further irritate her feet!

    I sincerely hope everything is okay for her, please let us know when you find out what the problem is! Best wishes! :D
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    are you sure its blood or is it just reddish in color. Because dog saliva turns reddish brown when they have likcked like that. The causes can be allergie or stress related. Notice when she does it. after a walk thru the grass. When your getting ready to go to work or leave somewhere. Dogs can have a compulsive-obsessive behavior. If licking himself soothed him before then more will be better type of attidude. It just gets out of hand. You can try the booties. My mother in law did that to stop her schnauzer from licking,. His feet were actually sore though from allergies. But they got better becuase he had on booties. Some dogs break out in the itchies when walking on grass. Put the booties on and see if there is a differece. Or it could be food related.
  5. James

    James New Member

    Thank you to everyone for the warm kind welcome and quick responces.

    Abby and I take the same walk every day, there is some lawn on part of it at the neighbors. I know that they dont put any chemicals on it and only mow it once every two or three weeks.

    I feed Abby the same thing everyday. Abby doesnt have a lot of teeth so I give her soft dog food. Abby is a VERY PICKY eater and will only eat Little Ceasars dog meals. I have tried to find her other soft dog foods that are not a dollar per serving but she just wont eat them. I do give Abby little bits of chicken breast when I make chicken taco's, that is the only other food I can think of.

    Puttin510 I think you are correct about her saliva and the color. There does not seem to be any cuts or abrasions on her paws. The redish brown discoloration has started to kind of climb up her leg. This morning I saw her licking one of her back paws and its starting to discolor as well.

    I will phone the vet and ask them about a dosage for the childrens benadryl.

    Thank you everyone for you advice and help, I appreciate it and I know Abby does as well.

  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    That's great to hear, James! KEEP US POSTED!!
  7. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    Hello All,

    Funny thing this is cause, I also have a Shih Tzu named Abbey and she also has developed these brown stains on one of her paws. The stain is almost teh same colour as her tears stains, which has led me to believe that it is from her licking.
    I also read on the other dog board that brown indicates yeast, as the tear stains are caused from yeast as well.
    there are few thingstat I think may have started Abbeys excessive licking, I did change her food recently, as well we were doing some work outside onour deck, and I suspect maybe the new wood might be irriatating her.

    Iam going to give her a good bath tonight, and also I am going to treat her with some herbal yeast remedies, I will let you know how it works out.
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Sounds good, will be interested in hearing about it. I have used thornit powder in sasha's ears to combat anything that would cause an infection and it says I could use it on her feet, but I don't want her licking that stuff. I would need to put an e-collar on her. It would kill me to just do an experimental thing on her and have to look at her sad face with that thing on. I may try it right next to her eye though. I did put a tiny bit on about a week ago. Just have to make sure not to get it in her eyes. But still I don't think it would stop the tiering.
    You guys let us know what you try. I've tried the apple cider vinegar in the water. No good.
  9. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Oh, phew, I am soooo glad to hear that it's not blood...just staining from her saliva!!!

    Have you taken her to the vet yet? If so, where they able to find the problem (assuming there is/was one)?


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