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Hello there Mike :)

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Chezza, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Hi mike how are you going, :D just popped in to say gday..
    We are building an aviary soon for our 2 gal tiels. We are waiting for council approval on a shed, then we are going to put an aviary up.. I cant wait, I'm looking forward to it.. :y_the_best:
    If you have any tips.. Greatly appreciated. :mrgreen:


  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi sorry took so long to reply, I have some serious family problems going on and its been getting me down...

    The only tips i can give is too make sure that you can close the birds in on a night and there is some sort of heat source that the birds can not hurt themselves on, Kinda like a blow heat type thing placed high up so the birds can not sit on it and get burnt or a heat lamp.

    When cockatiels have plenty of room they like to have a few companions and the best are either zebra or bengalese finches aswell as other tiels.

    Make sure the aviary is designed so rodents can not get in, Where i placed mine i dug down into the ground a couple of inches and placed chicken wire door the kind with very small holes then covered back over this stopped them burrowing up into the flight part.
    Also on the ground of the housing part i nailed down some more wire to stop any chewing there way into there home.
    I would cover that with plain woodshavings and everyday i would just go in pick up what poop had gathered then mixed the shavings back up, Once a week i would take all the shavings out and use an old vacum cleaner to get up the bits under the mess, then place fresh down, But make sure you birds are outside in the flight part and locked out while you do this as you obviously dont want to be sucking them in to the vacum. I also clean all perches once a week or if you use branches from a tree which most birds love make sure you scrub these with salt water then if you can place them in a hot oven to make sure they are completely dry and clean plus this helps kill any bugs or germs on the branches.. Or you can leave them out on a table in the sun for a few hours....
    Also the flight needs to have part of the roof covered so that when its raining if the birds want to be outside but dont want to be in the rain they have somewhere dry to sit....

    I will try get a picture of some aviaries for you to have a look at..

  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

  4. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Thanks for that Mike, your a treasure :y_the_best: ..Im really sorry to hear about your family :(
    I really hope it all gets sorted out and gets better for you.. ((((((hugs))))))
  5. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Chezza how is it going with the aviary? was it hard getting approval? Would love to see pic's when you get them. Bet your Tiels are going to love it.
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Glad i could help, if there is anything else you want to know just let me know and i will help if i can..

  7. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Yea havnt started yet, still got to get a start on our shed first..Then we know exactly what position to put it up in..
    Thanks again for all them pictures and advice mike. :y_the_best:
  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    You are more than welcome, Glad i could be of some help

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