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HELP housebreaking my peekapoo thats 15 weeks!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Haze4285, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. Haze4285

    Haze4285 New Member

    Hey there! I'm new to this site. But I'm having a horrible time housebreaking my 15 week old peekapoo puppy. He goes potty evertime he's outside, but I leave him in a play pen when I leave to go places. He'll pee on the paper inside there 1 time and then on the carpet 1 time as well! I left him in his crate, and tried to enforce crate training and he pee'd all over himself and then threw up! I dont feel as though is crate is his den. He sleeps with me, and he lays with me most of the time, choosing not to go in his den. Does anyone have any useful tips for training my pup, aside from crate training? Also, his crate is quite large, too large for him, but being a poor college kid, I cant really afford a smaller one like everything says. Thanks a bunch! :shock:
  2. doglover1234

    doglover1234 New Member

    Since you have a toy dog you could make the crate smaller with a piece of wood or maybe even cardboard and I dont think the puppy would be able to move it. Just make a section of the crate large enough for the dog to stand up lay down and turn around. That is the whole point of crate training. They generally will not use the bathroom where they are to sleep. If he has enough room to pee and poop in one corner and lay in the other it wont be effective. Anytime you go somewhere or are not able to consistantly watch the puppy put it in the crate. Also when you start out dont put anything in the crate with him, its temping to put bedding down but they will just use the bathroom on the bedding. Of course once housebroken they can have the whole crate and bedding. How long are you leaving the puppy alone ? A puppy that young cant be left alone for more then a few hours they arent able to hold their bowles. If you are gone for long periods of time you may want to look into someone to come walk the dog or possibly liter training.

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