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help!! i jus got a teacup chihuahua

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by r6gurl, Oct 3, 2004.

  1. r6gurl

    r6gurl New Member

    i love my baby to no end....but hes driving me crazy!! he crys alll the time!! non stop i tryed ignoring him but he went on for an hour!! LOUD! im scared he'll wake my neighbors!! i have to work all day.....i created his den i have a crate in there....his puppy pads! music....i dunt know wat to do....i feel like i cant go anywhere and leave him alone, or even take a shower unless hes asleep!! hes 9 weeks today. hes been checked by a vet and hes fine. what can i do!!!
  2. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    I have a 2 lb chihuahua that's the same way. It comes with the responsibility of having a small dog that is known to become very attached. If you weren't ready for this you should've picked another more independent breed. They're like babies, they need your care. I see this too often because people think they're just so little and cute, but then once they see it's more than that they can't handle it. I'm sorry to say it sounds like you're just not ready to own a puppy.

    Why would you get a 9 week old puppy if you have to work all day?
    They shouldn't even leave their mothers until 10-12 weeks, your puppy is far too young to even be away from his mother, yet alone be left by himself all day!
    No wonder he's crying all of the time, I would too if I were the little guy. Who did you buy him from? A responsible breeder would not send their "teacup" puppies to new homes, especially ones that aren't ready for a puppy, before 12 weeks old.

    You need to give him more time to get settled. He misses his family and you can't expect him to adjust in just a few days.
    Also, does he have plenty of toys? Available water? food? treats? bones? Are you letting him out to go potty? They don't like to soil their crates so he could be crying because he has to go. Try putting a blanket over his crate so he won't see you leave the room, this works for me when I have to leave in the mornings. The longest I'm gone for at any time is 4 hours max. How long are you leaving yours alone? How long have you had him? This is going to take time, it doesn't fix itself overnight, and if he's already driving you crazy I don't know that you made such a good decision.
  3. Pekemom

    Pekemom New Member

    I'd really have to agree with Gwen on this one. Esp. the small breeds aren't normally separated from their Mom until the ten to twelve week mark. Did you buy him directly from a breeder?

    If you are a working mom, a more independent breed would be a better fit. Or another consideration (maybe, I don't know) would be a second dog. (Gwen, don't scream at me here!!) I always kept two dogs (at times, three) when I was working. They really do keep one another company.

    Another consideration would be for you to return this guy and adopt an older dog. You could check the Humane Society or the No-Kill shelters. Just a few suggestions. A teacup puppy really needs a stay at home parent. Hope this helps.
  4. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    I actually thought that she should get another one to keep him company, maybe one of his brothers, but since he's so little it might be hard to make that decision so quick. If the only issue is him being lonely I would think it would be a great idea, but if it's a much bigger issue like dealing with a puppy itself or the responsibility, another one would just add to the disaster. Maybe you can tell us more about your situation r6gurl?
    And don't worry Pekemom, I don't bite, promise! :y_the_best:
    I have 2 dogs myself, soon to be 3. My little guy just loves having friends and my lazy bones husky isn't much of a play mate for him, so I'll be getting a little girl Maltese soon! My house is going to turn into a doggie zoo at this rate...
  5. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Gwen I know what you mean we are up to 4 dogs now! If my hubby had his way we wouldent be able to move in the house at all.
  6. maltepoolover

    maltepoolover New Member

    small ones like that need constant attention .best to be able to leave it with someone during the time you are away .
  7. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    I think maybe you scared her off! LOL Sometimes it's hard to hear the truth ya know? At least maybe she is reading all the responses :)
  8. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    eep, I hope not! but sadly it is the truth, and it makes me really sad that so many people don't know it =( Everyone needs to do their puppy homework first [-X

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