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Help!! MAJOR health decision!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by girlonamission, Aug 4, 2004.

  1. girlonamission

    girlonamission New Member

    Our shih tzu is a few years old, and he recently slipped a disk(sp?). We took him to the vet, and he improved slightly after medication, but he hasn't improved since then. His hind legs don't function. Now we have the option of taking him home and trying to care for him or putting him to sleep.

    What would you recommend? Is there any hope? Please hurry, and thank you.
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Did the vet put him on any anti-inflamitories and possibly steriods to bring the swelling down. I would give him a chance. Nerves take a good while to heal, but they can heal. Did they say the disc may go back on its own or maybe needed surgery? What about dog chiropractors. I would check into one. Please give him a chance to heal. He is young. And like I said the nerves in the body do take time to heal but can. I myself thought I would not walk normal again, but my nerves in my foot slowly returned. I did alot of stretching. My problem stemmed from a bulge in my lower back disc.
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I have to agree with puttin on this one! I believe it is much too early to give up hope!!! The only time I feel having a dog PTS is appropriate is when there is absolutely NO quality of life left in him/her. Have you seeked additional opinions by other vets and chiropractic vets? Have you explored all other promising options available? Please, for your dog's sake, seek more guidance from veterinary professionals who specialize in this area of dog health! (More than one opinion is always helpful and recommended!)

    I'm afraid I have no other information/advice to offer you beyond what puttin and the other members on the All Dogs Forum have given you! :y_the_best:

    I sincerely do wish for a happy outcome! :D
  4. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I totally agree with Puttin & MyBaby! Please explore ALL options.. your dog is young and as Puttin said, nerves do take a long time to heal. Please keep us posted... hugs & prayers for your baby [-o<

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