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HELP! My cat is at the vet...and I am soooo worried!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by whiskeyriver, Aug 15, 2007.

  1. whiskeyriver

    whiskeyriver New Member

    We took Whiskey to the vet monday morning....We came home to find that he had diarrea and had vomitted twice. Since he has had a history of eating hair ties, wool, fleece and cotton....I monitered him VERY closely! Last time something like this happened we were living in Asheville, NC and the vet there gave him subcutaneous hydration...HOWEVER, when I brought him in yesterday the vet (NEW VET NEVER GONE TO!!!) said he was severly dehydrated and need to go on IV instantly...I agreed. We put him on IV and gave him an xray. The film came back saying he had a large or harden stool or hair ball or fabric in his LARGE intestines. so, it was good it wasnt in the small or stomach...We left him at the vet all day to hydrate him to get to the point where we could do barium...took him home last night and he was frightening lethargic and the vet said if he made it throught the night we would have a huge chance for his SURVIVAL TODAY! She said his system was shutting down!!!!!! Okay...SO....my husband and I are just starting out and I LOVE MY CAT...but, I'm also scared to be "MILKED" by the vet....we brought Whiskey back this morning and I called every time they told me to call...it seemed they were getting annoyed that my husband and I were calling!...even though THEY TOLD us to call...so, after barium fluids today...75% of his stools and hair balls are eliminated and 25% is in his stomach? This is what was just told to us...and they have given him 4-5 xrays today...our bill yesterday was 600 dollars and today I assume it will be about the same when we go pick him up in an hour...BUT...I AM SO SO SO confused...WE still dont know what is going on! was it only severve dehydration???? Is this normal for the vet to take so long and cost so much just to figure out why whiskey wasnt drinking or eating? AND is it normal for vets to give carers the runaround....??? PLEASE so one let me know how you've handled this or how you would...I LOVE MY animals...(we have moonshine, whiskey's littermate, another cat, Cisco and a BIG dog!)...I dont think I really care about $$$$$...BUT I WANT to make sure its all for a good reason...not to just help pay the vet's BILLS...I dont like feeling like I am being taken advantage of...
    THANK YOU for listening and reading and I look forward to advice and responses....I'm new to this forum.
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi and welcome to Auspet. :D I understand how you feel. Leaving our fur animal at the vet can be very hard. I think you did the right thing. Your cat is alive. It sounds like he could have died had you not brought him in. I know it's expensive and often people feel that the bill is far too excessive. Most vets will print out a detailed bill that explains the procedure(s) and the cost. Perhaps that will make you feel more at ease? Or perhaps deep down your gut is telling you that this vet did more procedures than necessary? If that's the case, just be glad your cat is okay (in the end that is what matters most) and find another vet that you feel good about. Hope to see you around here.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Hi and :m23: I remember my Rene went through a similar situation. She was vomiting dark colored blood and I rushed her to the vet. They did all kinds of blood work and took x-rays. The x-rays showed no blockage and she was given fluids through her skin and steroid shots. We spent around $600 that day and we took her home. The diagnosis was gastroenteritis. It could've been anything from food allergies to some diseases. I found out later that she was chewing and swallowing dried moss. I never would've thought that she'd be doing that. Needless to say I had to childproof our house more intently than ever. I'm glad your Whiskey is alright. It's very scary when this happens. :m10:
  4. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Hi and And Welcome to the forum, I'm so glad your kitty will be OK, you did all the right things, and you obviously love him to pieces, great to hear..At least he will be OK, and yea maybe try a vet that you know and feel comfortable with.. :)

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