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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by jr2101, Dec 26, 2004.

  1. jr2101

    jr2101 New Member

    HI ALL,

    my self and my wife just got back form a 8 week overseas holiday?
    we left our precious chi with my sister and now that we are back we have been informed that while we where away that she came on in season?
    this is her first season and while she was on season my sisters neighbours dog got to her and she is now pregnant and due on the 7th Jan, the male dog is a maltese terrier and i was wondering if anyone had any advice for me, i have taken her to our local vet and he has said that it is to late to terminate the pregnancy and that we will just have to watch her closely while she is whelping and if any complications arise to bring her straight down to him?
    any advice out there on the mix of these two dogs?
    all your advice would be great thanks
  2. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I don't really have any experience with this particular mix, but I'm guessing you are concerned mostly about the possible large size of the puppies?? I'm guessing they might come out looking a bit like little long-haired chihuahuas and probably very cute. I can't give you any medical advice or anything like that regarding the pregnancy, but my suggestion would be to start now in trying to find some good homes for the coming new babies. That way there's not as much stress about doing it all at once when its finally time for the pups to leave their momma. Then I would strongly consider having your girl spayed to prevent future accidents. Good luck with the new arrivals.....and some pictures would be great. I'd love to see those babies! :D
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Is the Maltese a mixed with terrier. If so, the pups could come out with three different looks. But more likey you will have white fluffy pups. Possibly 3 to 5. What are the weights of both dogs in question? Bring your chi in to the vet for its check ups, and do as the other poster said. Look for homes.

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