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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by girlygrl310, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. girlygrl310

    girlygrl310 New Member

    :roll: hi im new to the postings...but i bought a 2 month old long-haired chihuahua about 2 weeks ago, named rusty...he had parvo but he has survived it and has been healthy for almost a week...he used to sleep and play in my room but i have moved him to another room for now...i cleaned his cage and belongings with the water and bleach solution...but i was wondering i was supposed to spray the solution also on my room carpet and around the house...please help me i have to move him out in 2 days back to my room....also about house training....hes in a pen for now...but i was wondering how i can train him to whine when he wants to go out....and how long should i wait to let him play with the other dog who is 6 months old...thank you soo much all u dog lovers!
  2. stravieso

    stravieso New Member

    Thank God you puppy lived through Parvo. I just had mine died last week from it and it was devastating. I have gone through so much that I can relate to you and I only wish my results were like yours. The lady that sold her to me surprised me on Thursday with a new puppy and I am still terrified that she might get it. I have the new puppy at my sister’s house until I move to my new house in a couple of weeks. I’m just so scared that I don’t want to take any risks.

    In reference to your carpet, I know that the places where your puppy pooped or threw up are contaminated with the virus. If your puppy had an accident in your carpet, then that area is contaminated. Since he/she lived through it, my understanding is that they are now immune to it but I would definitely call your vet and ask. I would actually call a few vets and get different opinions.

    I called one vet the first time my puppy threw up and he just treated her for the vomiting. The next morning I took her to her regular vet and told him that she was still very sick but he did nothing and didn’t even warn me about Parvo. Sunday I took her to the hospital, I was told it was Parvo but that it was too late. She died on Tuesday. Was your puppy treated right away for Parvo? I just think that if her vet had treated her on Saturday, she would have made it.

    Good luck and keep me posted on your puppy. Let me know what the vet says about the disinfecting. I’m going through this right now with my current home so I don’t take it to the new one or to my sister’s house when I go visit my new puppy. Here are the websites to my babies…Piccolina is the one that died of Parvo and Bella is my new puppy.

    Piccolina http://www.dogster.com/pet_page.php?i=56243

    Bella http://www.dogster.com/pet_page.php?i=56249

  3. girlygrl310

    girlygrl310 New Member

    thanks so much

    :D hey im soo sorry about ur maltese...yeah i had a poodle puppy before rusty and she died of parvo as well and she didnt make it...im so glad you have a new puppy thought she is adorable and i know how you feel about your other maltese...thanks so much you've helped me a lot and good luck with bella and keep me posted on her
    thanks byee
  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Goodness gracious... that parvo is horrible!! :(

    I'm sorry, I don't have any advice for you since I've never dealt with it.... you may want to PM a person named "Maltipoo" on this board. She's had lots and lots of experience with puppies and might be able to give some great advice!!
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Yes, Parvo is most definitely a horrific disease!!! :cry:

    I've never had to deal with Parvo, except at the shelter, but I wasn't the one who did the disinfecting, so I can't give you any real pointers beyond what everyone else has said.

    Did you post your message on the 'All Dogs' forum? I know several people over there have personally dealt with the problem, and I'm sure they would be willing to help you out. (As a matter of fact, I think there was a lengthy post by someone about disinfecting your home after parvo...very informative!)

    And like Monster said, you could try PM'ing ilovemaltipoos, she would be a great help!

    (Paging Malti, paging Malti!!! :wink:)

    The key is clean, clean, and clean again!!!

    Kind Regards! :D
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    awwwwwwww mybabyshi to the rescuuuuuuuuuuuuue!! :) :m25:
    I knew I read about someone else having a dog with Parvo! You're the best
  8. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Thanks Monster...but if you just look in the mirror, you'll find a great person staring right back at ya'! :wink:

    Just doin' what I can to help out around here! (I've seen too many dogs pass away b/c of that horrific diesease, Parvo, and will do whatever I can to help other people prevent the problem.)

    Give Bailey a big 'ole hug from me (and Mickey & Tigger)!!! :D

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