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Help Someone Need info on Breeding a BOSTON TERRIER

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by petzRgreat, Apr 6, 2004.


Are Bostons The Best Dogs Ever!!!

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  1. petzRgreat

    petzRgreat New Member

    when is the right age to breed a boston. how long are they pregnant? what part of their cycle do you breed them and do they always need c-sections? what should be taken into consideration.

    help please[/b]
  2. Hi! It sounds like you need to get in touch with a Breeder for that breed of dog, and do alott of research first. There are so many things you need to know about breeding before you ever begin to even think about it. I'm not a breeder, so I don't have the answers for you that you'll need. I only know that this is not something to be taken lightly. (Not that you are, don't missunderstand me) But my dog ended up getting pregnant from a neighbors dog that snuck into my backyard, and I was a nervous wreck! :shock: Thank God nothing seriuos happened to my girl and her pups, but all too often things can go seriously wrong. If it had not been for the wonderful people here, I don't know what I would have done! I personly will NEVER go through that again.....

    I'm sure you will get some good info from the great people here!

    Good luck to you!

  3. Mike, Chime in here! (He's a Breeder)
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi please dont take this the wrong way but if you cant answer those questions yourself you really should not be breeding as it takes alot of time patience and dedication to the breed before even attempting to breed a dog.

    Questions to ask yourself.
    Is she pedigree?
    Why do you want to breed?
    IS she in perfect health?
    Has she been hip,eye,heart tested?
    has the stud dog being used been tested?
    Is she upto date on her shots and worming?
    Can she free whelp?
    Can you afford to take her to an emergancy vets?
    Can you cull any of the litter that may have deformaties?
    Do you have the space and time for a litter of puppies?
    Would you know if something was wrong during whelping?
    Do you know how to bottle feed should anything happen to the female?
    Whats hers and the males temprament like?
    Is there been any health problems in either bloodline?

    These are just some questions to ask yourself.
    You need to know everyhing from best age to breed, How long they are in heat how often they in heat, best time to mate,
    How long is the pregnancy.
    Pregnancy problems and whelping problems.

    I been breeding for years so please thnk long and hard and do all the research you can on the breed and do all relevant checks and make sure everything is fine with both dogs.

  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Mike, glad to have you back.

    PetzRgreat - what are the reasons you want to breed your dog? I would seriously reconsider and have your dog spayed/neutured. Approx. 14.5 Million dogs are euthanized in shelters every year.

    If you want to breed because your friends want a dog like yours, look into rescues specifically for Boston Terriers. I personally LOVE Boston Terriers and hope to get one myself someday.

    Breeding is very expensive and VERY time consuming. Once you get all the supplies you need, vet trips, check ups, formula in case the mom refuses to feed a couple, plus finding homes BEFORE the pups are born, and the cost of spay/neuturing each one BEFORE it goes to their new owner. YOu'll be broke before you know it!

    When you adopt from a rescue, the may be a small fee, BUT, the dog is usually housebroken, (no mess to clean up), and most have some basic obedience. GREAT START!!

    If you want to breed because you want to witness the birth. There are many rescues that need foster homes for pregnant dogs until they have the litter and can be placed. You can contact some of these rescues and ask them. This way, the full $$ responsibility won't fully rest on your shoulders, you will be able to help with the birth, AND since the pups get adopted through the rescue, you know they have a higher rate of going to a great home because all potential adopters are screened first!!

    Fostering dogs is a great way to help shelters/rescues easy the burden of crowded facilities.

    Here are some rescue sites for Boston Terriers:

    Let me know what you think of the sites!
  6. klf

    klf New Member

    everyone wanting to breed needs to read

    if you want ot breed please read the other responces to this question. my family is active in a rescue and we see horrible things! just think if you would want to send your kid with someone that you will never see again..would you trust them to take care of your child as good as you would?? My parents bred dogs and because of the fate of many of the puppies they stopped! eventhough they were improving the breed they couldn't handle what the other owners thought were okay!

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