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help...strange behavior

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by someday, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. someday

    someday New Member

    Ok...I live at an apatrment complex with Annie. There's a big grassy area and pond out our back sliding glass door, there's also a swimming pool within view about 150 yds from our back door. I like letting Annie look out the door all day but today she absolutely went nuts barking and growling looking out that door. I looked out to see what it was and someone was out at the pool sunbathing. So I told Annie to cut it out, it was just a person out there. She wouldn't, she just kept carrying on. So I put her prong collar on and took her out there. She continued to bark and growl, So I got about 10-15 ft away from the girl and explained to her that I didn't think my dog knew what she was from my back door and was scared of her. So she was very nice and talked to Annie and said "Hi puppy!" Annie jumped back about 3 ft terrified and then it looked like it just hit her that it was a PERSON. She ran up to the fence tail a wagging trying to get to her for pets. So the girl just laughed and we talked a minute about Annie, and so I took her back in satisfied that she had just been confused. Now there's another person out there sunbathing and she's won't stop barking at her...no growling, but it's her big bark, not her puppy play bark. I took her out to pee and she just barked at her, but I didn't take her up to this person. I correct her and tell her no and give her a toy to play with, but 3 seconds later she's back at it. What can I do to make her stop?
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    wow, I think you did the right thing the first time, but I would be worried to to it again, people can be funny aobut dogs and you night get into trouble. You are right I think she is not sensing they are people from the distance. but summer has been here awhile and the pool should hav ea lot of people, so strange to start now. wondering if someone startle her and that is why she is acting that way now.

  3. someday

    someday New Member

    Well, we just moved here, we were previously in a duplex. WE moved in August 4th and the pool was closed until I guess about 3 days ago and yeasterday it was rather cold. So this possibly is the first sunbather she's seen.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thats probably it then. She's not used to seeing people there, and it startles her to see them there.
  5. smokey

    smokey New Member

    i guess if you can i'd take her out when people are there, explain to the people what's going on, to get her used to seeing people there. give her a treat and praise when she's quiet and seeing people at the pool.
  6. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    It could also be that the people look different because they are in bathing suits.....It seems like something that wouldn't make a difference, but some dogs are extremely sensitive to things that are different....Rusty is that way also...he will bark and growl at things he is afraid or unsure of, and things that are different. Combine the fact that she's not used to people being in that space, and the fact that maybe she's not used to seeing people in swimsuits...that may be it. But I'd be willing to bet that it won't be long before she is accustom to it, and won't notice anymore.

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