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help with barking

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by someday, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. someday

    someday New Member

    Well, just got a letter from my landlord saying someone has reported that my dog has be "consistently barking", and they'll slap a $50 fine on me next time i'm reported. I wasn't even aware Annie was barking except for the few seconds before I shut the door to the house, I always listen to make sure she's stopped when I get in my car. I'm really mad that my neighboors didn't have the nerve to come talk to me about it, since I was unaware it was happening. But, now that I am aware, can you guys give me some tips to correct the problem?
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    that is a hard one to correct sine you are not home, I had the same problem with Jake, had no clue he was barking while we were gone, until I got a notice from the police! I ended up putting in a dog door so he could go inside and that sovled teh problem.

    you might try a bark collar, my parents used on on their shitzu and she only had to wear it for a week or so, and now only when she acts up they put it on for a day and she stops again for months

  3. someday

    someday New Member

    Ok, here's my grand plan (I've been worrying over this all day)..I do believe Annie has seperation anxiety since I determined this when she was younger, but thought we had it under control (she didn't bark after i left the house- so i thought) so, i've started doing an aggressive desensitization outlined on this website. http://www.ddfl.org/behavior/separtn.htm I still can't open the door without her bounding over to it, but at least i can pick up my keys. I did have her crated, but she seems much calmer when left out, so i'll try that. I'm also going to talk to all my neighboors in the surrounding apartments and tell them that I was reported and that I'm working on the problem and if they would leave me a note when she was barking it would greatly help me determine how I was doing with her training- this may also keep them from reporting me for a while if they know i'm working on it. I'm also considering enrolling her in a doggie daycare here in town. The only problem...It's expensive!! I'd like to enroll her for 2 days a week, since I'm gone for long periods of time on mondays and wednesdays,,,but that's over $100 a month. I just don't know if I can afford that right now. I could do one day a week for $50 a month, so I might just try that. Does this sound like a good plan? Any other tips?
    I thought about a bark collar, but I really don't want to discourage her from barking, i like it when she barks at strangers lurking around(I live in a semi-bad part of town), I just don't want her to bark for no reason all day long.
  4. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Don't you hate it when your neighbors are too cowardly to tell you something and just report you instead? Morons....
  6. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    If everyone were understanding and could talk to each other with a word, well just maybe we would not have wars,hate crimes and more.
    I just had to go to my mothers home and the police to ask them to talk to the new folks who moved in back of her because they decided to remove some bushes along her fence that were my mothers cut and dry. Keep in mind she is 94 and does not no how to handle such things but did try to talk to the man at the time he was removing the bushes and all he did was laugh at her and say get someone to check the line at her cost and went ahead and removed the bushes. So I thought it would be better to ask the police to talk to him. He ask for me to come down and speak to him so next week I well give it a try but I just feel it was better to do it through the police first to make sure about the guy. Sometimes it is smarter with the way people are today to have a go between if one can. Yet there are people out there with little to do so they get off by causing trouble for others. Such is life, feel sorry for them and blink and go on with your day.

  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I got an email update. Kinda freeked me out!


    all that could have been prevented if the idiot just could have told his neighbor that the dogs obsesive barking was anyoying him!!!
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Sam that is horrible.

    Someday, I think thats a good approach to go to your neighbors, and tell that you re working on this but need their help.

  9. smokey

    smokey New Member

    wow removing a 94 year old woman's bushes and just laughing about it is really cruel! :x

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