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Help With My Chihuahua Puppy

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by e1le, Aug 8, 2004.

  1. e1le

    e1le New Member

    I just got my now 8 week old chihuahua puppy last week. He is biting at everyone's hands, and now his new thing is biting at feet. I tapped him on the nose lightly and said "No" "Stop it" and "Ouch!" for biting my feet (as well as my hands), and now everytime I walk or stand, he comes jumping at my feet and growls and barks. Then, when I'm playing with him, he bites at my hands and it's beginning to hurt now cuz his teeth are pointier and sharper. This behaviour will last for 30 minutes to an hour and then if I'm sitting on the floor, he'll climb onto my lap and rest. I don't know if this is normal or if it'll continue. I'm a little scared that my dog will become aggressive later on if I don't correct him, but I don't want him to growl and bark at me for correcting him. Also, my mom and I tried ignoring him last night for this behaviour and he cried and then went to sleep. I read that chihuahuas need a lot of attention, so I'm afraid that I'll hurt his positive personality by using these means of correction. What should I do??
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    when he starts to bite at your hands or feet you could give him a squirt from a water bottle and say no...
  3. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Hi, I know a lot of puppies bite and exhibit the same behvaior as your dog. My puppy did the same thing. I ignored her everytime, or gave her a time out. If I was sitting on the couch I would simply walk up and go in the other room closing the door behind me and stay in there for 15 minutes and then go out, if she did it agian I would do the same thing. When I would be walking and she attacked my feet I immediatly put her in her crate too, and leave the room. If she cried I would wait untill she stopped and then come out agian 15 minutes later as long as she didnt start crying agian. I know its hard to ignore a cute little puppy but otherwise they may never learn. I do not believe it will change your puppys positive behavior by ignoring him. Mine is the sweetest thing ever and loves to cuddle with me and now we can all the time since she learned to stop biting at me and barking. I hope this helps, :)
  4. nern

    nern New Member

  5. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Do just what mary says. a squirt bottle does wonders and they get to where all you have to do is pick the bottle up. We have two new chihuahuas and if they try to bite my fingers i get their robe toy if the bottle isnt handy. my feet i use the bottle.
  6. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Is it teething? Does it have the adult teeeth yet? How old was it when it left its family? They could be factors into why the puupy does it, it needs to have the proper socialization skills and stuff that it learns from its mom and litter mates, so maybe he is just playing like taht bc it missed that with its family or something? I wouldn'T think the puppy is doing it to be mean and when you punish it, it thinks it was bad. maybe get it some more chewy toys for it to play with?

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