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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by MILO, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. MILO

    MILO New Member

    Hi Everyone,

    Long time no see..... so much has happened since my last post. What happened to Auspet??? Anyways. Last time i posted a message i was saying bye to everyone because i was switching jobs. The new job is great, just moved last weekend. Everything is great.... EXCEPT!

    I have a problem. Milo my pup is now 9 months old. He won't learn the basic commands.... you know..... like going to the bathroom outside!! I don't know what to do. And also, like i said above, we had just moved from an appartment to a house. Well i have neighbours who has a dog who is very well trained. The dog won't do anything unless told! WOW! anyways, Milo keeps runing over to his house and wants to play with his dog, he runs out in the middle of the road... YES WITH CARS! i don't know what to do. I have taken him to obedience school, each time he does something he shouldn't be doing i look at him and say no really loud and stare at him. I have lost all hope in getting him to learn. If anyone could give me some advice i would be forever gratefull!!!

    i am gonna try and attach some pictures of him so everyone can remember.

    Thanks everyone

  2. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    :eek: :eek:
    Hello Milo, welcome to the new board, I don't remember talking to you before. First off what kind of dog do you have? Do you live on a busy street? Do you have a fence?

    As for the potty training is it just since you moved to your new house? Maybe the change of surroundings has confused the lil guy (girl) not sure too.

    For running in the street, that is a no, no, :x I think maybe you might want to try using a leash untill he is trained a little more, you don't want him to get hit by a car. I had the same problem w/my Max running after rabbits into the street, where ever they went he ran there too. I just think it is a natural reaction, so maybe use the leash would be good if you don't have a fence for now.

    I would like to help but I think I need a little more info to give any advice... :wink:

    Maybe good old Puttin or MyBabyShipoo (she is full of knowledge on all topics :bow_now: also none other than Monster to fill you in on all the in's and out's too) good luck :0023:
  3. MILO

    MILO New Member

    Papillion Mom,

    Thanks for the reply. I guess i forgot to put in a few things. Milo is a shi-poo. He is 9 months now. He was some what trained. It was like clock work. One week he would go on the papers ( we used to live in an appartment) he would go on the papers when i was at work, then outside when i got home. But one week he would do that one week he would go where ever he pleased. So this isn't a new thing. Also, where i moved to, there is a fence in the back yard but people like to leave the doors open so he can roam free. Actually, my mother told me today that she saw him in the middle of the road!!!!! this is bad! my little pup! I really don't know what to do and i am hoping someone could give me some advise as to how to train him. I feel like i have tried everything!

  4. MILO

    MILO New Member

    Hi Everyone, Gonna try to load a pic of my little guy. Maybe someone will remember him.

  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    Holy guacamole, it sure has been a while...SOOOO happy to see you back and posting again!!! :eek: That pic of Milo is just too darn cute, I bet he's grown a lot since then!

    Now to the issues at hand -

    First off, potty training:

    The fact that Milo was indoor potty trained is definitely going to work against you right now! (I'm NOT saying that you were "bad" for taking that route before, b/c I COMPLETELY understand why some people choose that option, I'm just saying that to help you understand why the problem is arising.) Milo is more than likely having a hard time comprehending why exactly it is that he can no longer potty indoors, but must now potty outdoors. To us humans, it is an easy concept, but for dogs it is quite complex and confusing. Therefore, it is going to take patience, persistence, positive attitude, and lots of praise to re-train him to do his business outdoors now, which is essentially what you will be doing. You'll have to take it back to step one.

    There have been endless posts about potty training, so for convenience (more like b/c I'm lazy :wink: ) I am just going to copy and paste my previous replies in regards to potty training.

    I know a lot of the above info. is repeated, but hopefully you'll be able to comb through it and find what you need!

    Secondly, his free roaming issues:

    Okay, I'm slightly confused, so help me out here. When you say doors, do you mean the doors on the fence? If so, why can't they be kept closed at all times? Are your neighbors opening them? If so, you really NEED to confront them and tell them that the doors on your fence MUST remain closed at ALL times for the safety of Milo!!! If your neighbors are opening the gate doors to YOUR fence, on YOUR yard, I guess I just don't understand why they would do something as irresposible as that knowing the dangers associated with letting a dog roam freely - ESPECIALLY when there are streets nearby!?!?

    I hate to say this, but one of these days Milo might not be lucky enough to make it across the street safely! :cry: I say that b/c I have unfortunately seen one too many dogs whose owners let their dog(s) roam freely, and sadly their dog(s) ended up dead, or severely injured from being hit by a car!

    It is a dog's natural tendency to roam, thus it is VITALLY important to ensure that your dog can roam in the safety of his/her confinement! If need be, buy him a tie out. (However, supervision on a tie out is necessary!)

    Quite honestly, just b/c a dog is highly obedient and well trained does not mean he/she will not have the desire to roam. Trust me on this one, I have seen, and heard of, multiple highly obedient dogs killed or injured from being hit by a car!

    Granted, a well trained dog is VERY useful in keeping him/her safer than an untrained dog in certain situations, no doubt about that!

    Training requires practice, practice, and more practice!!!!!!!!!

    Also, for liability reasons, your dog should be properly confined in your yard at all times. I don't know the laws in your area, but I know here that if someone lets their dog roam freely, such a behavior is punishable, and often results in the dog being confiscated by animal control if the law is violated one too many times! Such is the case if your dog bites someone while roaming freely outside of your confines. (I'm not saying Milo would bite anyone, or anyone would call animal control if they saw Milo wandering about, just making sure you are aware of such laws.)

    Well, I think I've covered all the bases, if not, please do let me know and I will be glad to further assist you in any way I can!!! :y_the_best:

    All the best to you and Milo, and be sure to keep us updated! :D
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome back Milo!! :eek:
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Welcome back, Milo! I remember you also!! If I remember right, didn't Milo have problems with fluxating (??) patellas??

    I definitely remember Milo's picture.... he's such a DOLL! You're going to have to post a recent pic of him, so we can see him all grown up now :) hehe
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Monster LOL it's luxating patellas.

    Milo I remember you too. Welcome back.
  9. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I wasn't going to say anything, but I have to admit, I got a good laugh out it!!! :lol:

    We still love ya', Monster! :D
  10. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oh bite me, puttin and mybaby!! LOL
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    rruufff rrruuuuffff growwwwllll
  12. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    was that you, puttin? Or Rufus and Sasha!? :)
  13. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    It was meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and my babies. LOL

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