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here are pics of the new babies

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by silent_bunni, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. silent_bunni

    silent_bunni New Member

    well here they are lol these pics were taken when momma went for food she hasnt tried to play hide the kitty since sat & we have one kitten a good home already
    theyre in the new kitten album the other kittens are the ones that are 7 months now
  2. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    :eek: :eek: :eek: they r the sweetest thin aaaaaawwwwwwww :love_y_t_much: bless i love kittens mines all grown up now :(
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Such cute pics! So sweet! :kiss_heart: :qm3:
  4. Michelle Wachniak

    Michelle Wachniak New Member

    OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhh I'm with Ollie's mum.......I JUST LOVE BABY KITTIES!!! My Ruby is a teenager now, she's defiant, she's snotty, she talks back, she's cranky... Man, it's rough!

    Enjoy them when they're little!!
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Awe, they are so tiny and adorable! :D
  6. Bente

    Bente New Member

    awww, how can anything be that small? :love_y_t_much:
  7. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE The little angels!! :m30:
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Ahhh. Cute and so tiny. :)
  9. bionca

    bionca New Member

    AWWWWWW they are all so cute. :D So tiny... just want to hold them.

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