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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by MILO, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. MILO

    MILO New Member



    Hi Everyone, Wow!!! what a great welcome back!!! I have missed this board. Well there is the pic of Milo the day after he had gotten groomed. Doesn't look like the same dog. I should get a pic of him today.... all of his hair is grown out, he has tear stains on his eyes from being alone and his paws are copper color from him bones. What a life he has!

    OK alot has happened since what February!!! Milo got nutered, He has a new play pal, we moved! Where to begin???

    Anyone remember me complaining about that time Milo got groomed? Anyways i'll tell again, I wen't and got him groomed for the first time. Didn't really like his hair cut and noticed that he was bleeding on his tummy. Yeah didn't like that at all. I was pretty mad. Anyways I guess i figured that milo moved while being groomed, maybe i wasn't to specific on what i wanted, stuff like that.... so dummy me....brought him back. Well not much has changed, got cut again....see the above picture, he was cut on his lip. So that was it! MILO WAS NEVER GOING BACK!!!! well atleast for another 4 days. The groomer was at the same place milo's vet was at. 4 days later he went to go and get neutered. So fine. Did the deed, Sorry Milo....no litters for you.... anyways got him neutered, was to pick him up the next day, instead picked him up the same day at 5. Milo wasn't sleeping and was crying and whining so the best thing to do was to pick him up....(trust me i missed him and agreed!) so i picked him up and brought him home. They gave me some cream and a cone for around his head. i left the cone on for about 4 days then removed it. I wasn't paying attention to him for about 10 minutes looked at him and saw blood all over his face. :x I quickly put the cone back on. Left the cone on again for about another 7 days and removed it. I waited untill his neutering cut was completly healed. (By the way, when i picked him up he was jumping and so excited! no pain at all from neutering) anyways so 7 days later removed the cone and again more blood. Remember when milo got groomed the groomer cut his lip, Well milo couldn't clean it and therefore it got infected. Cost me 144 dollars in vet medicine. Can you say NEVER AGAIN!!!!!

    So thats my story, all in all milo is the same pup as before. except with a funny haircut.

    See you all soon.

  2. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    AAHHH poor Milo, I am so glad to hear he is doing well now. Some people! What kind of dog is Milo? He is so cute.
  3. MILO

    MILO New Member

    Milo is 1/2 Shitsu and 1/2 Poodle. I always say that he has everything from the poodle, the looks, the legs, everything, but he had to have gotten the smarts from the shitsu. I hope this dosn't offend anyone. Oh Milo my little puppy wuppy!!! Hey when he turns 1 year, (October 4) can i still call him a puppy wuppy???? or do i have to call him my little one year old dog???

  4. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    Well to me they will always be your Puppy Wuppy no matter what. He is so cute though. His birthday is the day after mine :lol: HEEHEE. I am going to get a new puppy soon at the end of July his name will be Jasper ( my son named him) and he is half poodle and maltese. I'll post a pic later. I have to run to work. :( Oh well! See you around.

  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :cry: Poor Milo...he sure has had a bit of a rough time!!! :cry:

    I completely remember your grooming story from a while back, but man, to have it happen again, and the whole neutering ordeal on top of it all, sheeeeesh! :? I hope you were able to find a better groomer for Milo?

    The new pic of Milo is great...he looks a lot like my shih-poo, Tigger, with his new haircut!

    You can call him puppy for as long as you want...I still call my guys puppies even though they turned a year old on June 2nd! :( They'll always be puppies in my delusional world! :lol:

  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I'm not offended by the statement in any way, but I thought I would just make mention of something kind of interesting: Poodles are actually ranked number 2 on the list of smartest dog breeds - shih-tzus aren't even in the top 50 (however, they are still pretty darn smart)!!!

    Just thought I'd share! :D
  7. MILO

    MILO New Member

    My Baby Shihpoo - Who's #1???

    I'm not sure what it is.... for argument sakes it could be the way i am trining Milo. But for some reason....lets take for example he goes to the loo in the house..... He acts all normal.... Once i find it he curls up and walks away. And the strangest part is that i would have taken him out for a walk 20 minutes earlier. He's 9 months. Anyways..... i am not sure what it could be. But i love him anyways.
  8. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    That would be the Border Collie!

    Your situation sounds very similar to another members' who posted a topic not too long ago concerning housebreaking. I realize the situation isn't exactly the same (almost though), but I believe my response to her would work well in your case as well, so take a look at the thread:


    Along with that, implement the suggestions given in your previous posted topic, and I think you'll see some changes for the better in Milo. The fact that you just moved into a new home may be making things a little harder for Milo as well, but be patient, persistent, positive, and praise when necessary.

    Best of luck with housebreaking!!! :D
  9. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I was going to come back and say that he must have gotten his smarts from the POODLE side, but nooooooooooooooooooo mybabyshihpoo beat me to it! (See what happens when you have no life?? LOL)

    anyhow, poor MILO!! I absolutely remember the first fiasco with the groomer. Bless his wittle heart.... I bet he will be extra leery the next time. Did you find a place to go?
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Just incase Milo ever needs a cone again and has a sore, make sure you clean it for him. When my dog got sprayed by a skunk, his mouth had burns on it. I had to keep a cone on it so he would spot rubbing his face into the carpet and irritate it more. But cleaning it was something I needed to do. Milo looks very much like Debs Jack. a maltipoo.
  11. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    you are sooooooooo right, puttin! I thought the same thing! :)
  12. Brian

    Brian New Member


    Hi Everyone! I have joined this board not too long ago.

    Christina, Milo looks so cute before the hair cut. Please don't have his hair cut that short again. :wink:

    Hey, Shih Tzus are really smart! They should rank up there with poodles!
    My 4 months old male tzu Bamboo is the smartest puppy in this world! :eek:
    I have trained him to understand commands and do tricks since he's 3 months old. Now Bamboo knows * Sit, come, left paw, right paw, down, roll over, up, jump, stand, kiss, fetch, play death, speak, chasing tail and hug * He's also bilingual!

    I believe all dogs are smart and trainable. They are only stupid if you belive them so.



  13. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    :) Brian.... don't get me wrong, I love my little shiht.... zu buddy too! :) I think Bailey gets his fiery, friendly personality from the shihtzu side, and his smarts from the poodle.

    Your little guy is soooo cute!! Thanks for stopping and saying hello..... :) Give us all a fun story of your little fella :)
  14. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    Nice to meet ya'...glad you stopped over!!! Your little shih-tzu, Bamboo, is just precious, and most definitely smart as well!!! :y_the_best:


    You are B-A-D, bad!!!!!!!! [-X

  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Right before I saw your posting brian I was just wondering where you were. You had posted your pictures on the "who we look like" post and dissapeared. More about your pup please.

    Milo, you stick around ok.

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