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Hey! I finally got a betta!

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Nameless, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I got my betta now. He's a white one. IT was either a white one or a red one, even though my parents liked the red ones. I also got a ghost shrimp to keep him company. Although for some odd reason I haven't seen the ghost shrimp in there after I came home from work. ONe last thing I would like to know is what do you feed betta, because he doesn't like flakes and he looked like he liked the bloodworms but they sunk to the gravel to quick for him I guess. I guess he is happy cause he was in a tiny, tiny, little migit sized container that wasn't even big enough to let the bettas at least stay straight, the container was so small that the bettas were constantly curved inside the little container and the containers were all like half full. I saw a lot that weren't so active and I even saw one that looked like it had some sort of little bump or a some sort of a little tiny tunour on it. The point is now that I got my betta and I am glad.

    Thanks for all your advice.
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I feed my bettas HBH Betta Bites.

  3. gravity

    gravity New Member

    Mine also get HBH Betta Bites....
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Congrats. I love white bettas. Bet he looks really nice with the red gravel (I believe that's what you said you were putting in the tank).

    In my experience I've found not all bettas like flakes, but most will go for pellets. I only feed bloodworms as a treat and not as their main diet. Usually they get HBH or Hikari Betta Bio-Gold. I've found floating pellets work better because with the pellets they stay on the surface longer than flakes and they're also easier to clean up.
  5. BeatrixMom

    BeatrixMom New Member

    Moby would only eat Betta Bites. Hated flake food, and was indifferent to bloodworms. Probably because the pellets were less work, he did not have to move his lazy butt fast to get them before they sank.

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