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hi quick question about millit

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by parakeetlover321, Nov 18, 2005.

  1. parakeetlover321

    parakeetlover321 New Member

    Hi i have been reading the old posts and people say they are growing there own millet :shock:. I was just wondering if anyone knows how to do that :?:
  2. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    All you would have to do is plant the millet seed in dirt... I did it and it grew into tall tall grass... never produced any millet but I didnt try too hard either..
    I dont know if it works like other Plants hehe.. by light cycle or not.. may take a little more research.. but yes i have heard of people doing that as well..
    but its so cheap you might as well just buy it you will end up getting better quality
    however the birds love eating the grass which grows from it at very least
    good luck!

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