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Horrible Situation...Please read and refer

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by bullylove1, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Hi all, I haven't been to talkative here lately so I feel bad bringing bad news today but....I saw this on another board and thought I would crosspost it. I don't know if some of you have already heard this or not. The wierdest thing is I think I recognize his name...Does anyone else. Anyways the rescue foundation who saw this has there info on the bottom. Feel free to contact them if you want more info.

    This is an absolutely urgent plea for help to close down a "rescue" in
    Nashville, TN. - KEVIN SPEARS- This "rescuer" is contacting Pit
    rescues to "help them" with taking Pits into his home, while every dog in his
    care is emaciated, in horrible condition, breeding, several fighting,
    and literally living ON trash. He also asks for little dogs,
    particularly Pekigneses, but any little dogs he'll take. Everything that is
    about to be written is FACT, not hearsay, gossip, or exaggerated (I
    witnessed every bit of this myself WITH two witnesses): in fact, I cannot
    thoroughly describe HOW bad this situation was, but can only try through
    e-mail. PLEASE read this entire e-mail/post so that something can be
    done about this "rescuer". This needs to be crossposted and FWDed to
    ANYONE who works with Pit Bulls, or small dogs- especially in the TN and
    other southern areas. If anyone has contact information for this areas
    local animal control PLEASE let me know- this guy needs to be shut down

    I was contacted the week of October 25 by a "gentleman" (term used
    loosely) who offered to help my rescue by taking in some Pit Bulls, as he
    had room. He talked with me for over an hour, telling me how he did
    rescue and wanted to help- after speaking with multiple Pit rescues he
    found they were all full, and since he had some room [for five dogs] he
    wanted to help by taking in Pits that were in danger of being euthanized.
    He went into great detail about his "setup", home, current rescues, and
    experience with the breed, and sounded like a saint. I checked his vet
    reference, who gave him an outstanding reference- so we were optimistic
    that we had a new contact to help the breed. I didn't have any dogs
    that NEEDED to go to a foster home, so I contacted people who had
    e-mailed requesting help with dogs they could not keep - I was able to locate
    four dogs that needed to get into this foster spot, and we arranged to
    take them up to this guy's home to do a thorough home check. Four dogs
    were gathered up (this guy told me he had room for five) and an
    adoptive mom [of mine], her daughter, and I travelled the 5 hour drive to his
    Nashville home to check this guy out and hopefully get some Pitties
    saved. I was told this was a brand new house with a kennel setup, and each
    dog would have their own "room" so they could be separated when eating.
    I was also told there were two people living there- this man and his
    girlfriend/fiance to do dog rotations.

    When we arrived to this guy's home, we were horrified with what we saw-
    the house was NOT as described, it was a house with approx. 4 rooms, in
    a HORRIBLE area of town. There was no kennel setup, anywhere, and
    BARELY a yard....I have kennels bigger than this "yard" to exercise and
    "potty" these dogs. There was no room for the dogs there, let alone more,
    and the conditions of this home/yard were NOT pleasing. There were
    four HORRIBLY emaciated Pit Bulls in his fenced area, which was barely 20
    x 30 ft and holding four adult Pits- two unneutered males and two
    unspayed females- we also saw that they were rushing to hide two other dogs,
    and the two females outside were nursing pups (full of milk and
    scratches on their teats showing current nursing) but we saw no pups. The
    dogs were living on trash, literally: there was no grass where they
    "lived" they were walking and living on trash, glass included, cutting their
    paws open as they walked across. Two of the dogs got into a fight as
    we were there, and the entire household (five people) rushed to "watch"-
    no one made an effort to break this fight up at all. It was obvious
    that two of the people there were on drugs (specific details CAN be
    provided, if requested, as to how we know drugs were involved- but it was
    OBVIOUS), and I wouldn't be surprised if the other three were as well.
    The dogs they had, the two males, were obviously fighters- I've seen my
    share of Pits that have gotten into scuffles or minor fights, and these
    were NOT that type of wounds- these dogs had fresh, open, bloody,
    infected faces from recent fights, as well as old scars- they [the two
    males] were scarred up on their faces, chests, necks, and front legs, and
    all four of the dogs had horrible skin conditions. These dogs were NOT
    taken care of, and especially to have been with a "rescue".

    This situation was horrific- trash was piled up 3-4ft on the [all four]
    sides of the house, and several inches high all across the yard (fron,
    back, and both sides). They live directly in front of some type of
    junkyard/auto shop (didn't get close enough to see what type of building
    it was) and I believe there were more dogs there, though only having two
    women, a child, and a truck full of Pits, we were not going to
    investigate further, nor would we attempt to go in the house. The individuals
    in this house were LESS than worthy to have a pet mouse, let alone Pit
    Bulls- they continued to try and gather around our vehicle to see the
    Pits, asking us to take them all out for them to meet, and introduce to
    their [dog aggressive] Pits. We politely declined for the moment-
    trying to determine the best way to get out safely, as we were truly
    concerned for our safety, and the safety of the dogs with us. The man I had
    spoken with told me he had someone, already, who wanted one of the
    dogs- we were appalled that a "rescue" would want to adopt a dog out the
    day they received them, and asked him information about the person (to
    "grill" him)- he stumbled for words [not expecting us to ask] and told us
    he gave them a Pekignese application to fill out to adopt this Pit
    Bull. After seeing enough of the trash and horrible conditions, and
    getting all the information we needed on this man and his "rescue", we made
    it clear to them that we were NOT leaving any of the dogs there, and we
    would be bringing them all back to GA with us. They tried to gather
    around the vehicle, intimidating us, and didn't understand why we were
    not "pleased" with their home/setup. Anyone in their right mind would
    have known that this was HORRIBLE conditions for dogs, especially after
    we explained WHY we did not like this place- they tried to make excuses,
    and continued to ask us to get the dogs out of their crates and bring
    them out, even though we told them we were NOT leaving dogs with them.

    I have seen horrible situations in my life- but this is one of the
    worst I have seen. There were at least six dogs there, and I'm guessing a
    LOT more than what we saw- the man told me he had a red-red nose Pit,
    but we didn't see one, which proves to me that there were more dogs than
    what he showed us. There were five people living in the house, when we
    were told two, and we were lied to about everything about this man, his
    "rescue", his house, his dogs, etc.

    This man is Kevin Spears, 112 Douglas Street, Nashville, TN. (off I 65-
    I do have specific directions to his home, if needed by anyone who can
    help) (615)506-4120 He works for a locksmith company, previously did
    Pekignese rescue, and now does "Pit" rescue. Is there ANYONE in this
    area that can help me shut him down, and get those dogs out of those
    horrible conditions? PLEASE do not release dogs to this man- he may now
    offer to pick dogs up now that he has seen that we were so appalled with
    his home....so PLEASE spread the word about this man so no one releases
    Pits to him unknowingly. Thank God we travelled to him and saw for
    ourselves so that we could bring the dogs back, safely, with us....God
    knows what would happen to them had they been there with Kevin Spears.
    PLEASE crosspost to ALL rescue/Pit Bull boards, shelter groups, etc. and
    make it known that this man does NOT need Pit Bulls- he needs to be
    shut down, and I need help doing it. Is there ANYONE in this are athat
    might could get pictures, or get animal control's information (I don't
    know what county this is in) so that I can file a complaint? PLEASE help
    me shut him down. Contact me directly with ANY information/leads to
    have this man brought down, and the dogs taken from his cruel care.

    Amanda Conrad
    President, Pit Prints Pit Bull Rescue/Rehabilitation

    Promote Responsible Ownership...NOT Breed Prejudice.
  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Just wanted to add I don't personally speak with this woman but we both belong to the same board, so I am taking this as the truth.
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I have spoken with Amanda Conrad on a couple of occations. Her and her husband have their own PitBull rescue funded mostly by their own money. Very nice people and very passionate about PitBulls. So I doubt if what she saw is an exageration.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    That is so said, I wish I know the phone numbers of my neighbors back in VA, they did Pit Bull rescue. But they only would keep 2 fosters at a time because they didn't have much space, they were trying to find a bigger home just as I moved away, so I doubt if I could even write them
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    One way to have this guy shut down is to complain to the Metropolitan Nashville Animal Services.

    Anyone can do it based on the information posted here. All complaints are anonymous. You can call, snail mail, or email to place the complaint.

    Send complaint to:

    Metropolitan Nashville Animal Services
    5125 Harding Place
    Nashville, TN 37211

    Phone (615)862-7928

    email: WebMaster.health@nashville.gov

    The complaint is against:

    Keven Spears
    112 Douglas St.
    Nashville, TN

    The more commplaints submitted, the more A.S. will act upon it.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Did everyone send in complaints? Any update on this situation?
  7. keepondraggin

    keepondraggin New Member

    i did

    I sent in a complaint. I also forwarded on to PETA and was informed by them that they will do there best to look into it. If you cant fight him for the pits you can always call the health administrator. If the conditions are that horrible for a dog it cant be any better for people. they would have him shut down just for having bodily waist visible in an area where humans inhabbit or frequent since it is a health issue.

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