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How do i start Breeding shi-poos?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by FutureVetTech, Mar 19, 2005.

  1. FutureVetTech

    FutureVetTech New Member

    hi, i am only a teenager but i love animals and i would really like to breed Shi-poos... I know i have read a lot about breeding mixed breeds and how no respectful breeder would do that, but i have grown up with shi-poos my whole like, i have 4 in my house right now and i love them to death, i also have 2 shih-tzu's as well, but i love the shi-poos. If anyone could give me any information about how to start breeding that would be a great help
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    The only way to start with something like this is to start out with two mentally stable, physically sound dogs. You would have to purchase the best of the best and have them genetically tested. If they pass all the tests, then that would be the only reason to breed them. If they don't pass, then there is no reason to pass bad genes on to a litter. Everything about both dogs should be perfect, no screwed up teeth, arthitis in their history, heart problems, liver problems, eye problems. There are so many health issues for each breed to check into to asure you will be raising sound and healthy puppys. I would hate myself, if I bred two dogs that had babies, then two years down the road those pups are needing to be vetted often causing their owners such unhappiness, let alone the dogs themselves. Its up to you to raise very healthy pups, if that what you are going to do. If you do it, do it well.
  3. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Along with the issues already mentioned, no one should breed unless they have homes lined up for the puppies before they breed a litter. And if you do breed a litter, you should be willing to take back any puppy, at any age, if the buyer cannot keep them, for any reason. How would you feel if you found out one or more of the puppies you were responsible for bringing into the world ended up in the pound, put to death, because no one wanted them?

    Before you start breeding, you should also be aware of the things that can go wrong. Even when you do everything right, bad things can happen. You should have the $$$ put aside to pay for an emergency C-section, just in case. You should be prepared to hand raise puppies if Mom can't or won't take care of them. You should be aware that Mom can die, the puppies can die, and instead of a happy, healthy litter, you have big vet bills and nothing to show for it.

    And before you breed, take a tour of your local animal shelter and look at all the cute little dogs that don't have homes, may never have homes, and ask yourself if you're prepared to make sure you aren't contributing to the problem.
  4. FutureVetTech

    FutureVetTech New Member

    Thanks for the help

    Thanks a lot for all the help... it really puts it into perspective.... i already knew that you should have homes already for the puppies because i knew a breeder and she was giving me some ideas
    Any more information would help
  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    I had a litter of Yorkies not to long ago i didnt fix them in time and they mated my little girl is 4.5 pounds and my male is 7.5 i was scared to death because she is so small we went to the vet to get ultra sound to see how many babies the vet told me to put $2500.00 away in case of emergency (i dont have that kind of money) and that MAJOR problems could occur that was the longest and most expensive 63 days of my life. luckley she had no probelms and we had 3 wonderful little babies. then came time to take care of them she did most of it but you still have to do tons of things for them also i was lucky that my mom lived with me and she was there with them all day long. It was not easy at all it was like having triplets very hard loose lots and lots of sleep. Well hope that helps you I know i WILL NEVER breed again to much risk and i relize i got lucky that time. my male is now fixed (right after pups were born) and my female will be soon
  6. sloopy

    sloopy New Member

    give a mut a chance!

    I say dont breed. there are to many unwanted dogs as it is!
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I think breeding 2 different breeds is not a good idea. Stick to one breed and go with it. There are so many mixed breed (YES SHIH POO's ARE MIXED) Shih poo is not a breed at all, just like any other combination of names that sound cute. If you care for dogs, don't ever mix any dogs on purpose. There are so many homeless mixed dogs out therel because the pound doesn't give them cute names like shih poo or whatever,it is just dog in cage 12, PTS date 4-25-05. For the sake of the dogs don't ever do it.

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