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how do u take care of a doberman

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by lil shant, Oct 15, 2005.

  1. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    I have been seeing many dobermans around and i would like to get one can u tell me how to take care of a doberman like anything that i need to know would be awsome?
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I love Dobies, I dont know where you live but I noticed in California, more so over the last 6 or 7 years a lot of them are very skittish/fear biters. If your not going to adopt one from a rescue and want to buy a pup please be very careful in selecting one, make sure you get to see the parents of them pup, make sure all the tests have been done on both parents etc.

    I would recommend obedience training at the first chance (probably once its had its puppy vaccines and and is not at risk of parvo, distemper etc.) They are great dogs but will run rings around you given the chance, theyre your clasic 'clown' dog....meaning they seem to do quirky things just to make you laugh.
    The other thing is space, you need enough space for them to run around every day (I love watching Dobies run, especially when they are at the gangly stage...., they look more like bunnies :lol: ).
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Before you get any dog first make sure that the breed of dog you're looking for fits your lifestyle and don't just get one because everyone else has one.

    My grandmother and uncle had a doberman when I was younger. They are great dogs but she did require a good amount of daily exercise, she wasn't contented just laying on the floor all day.

    Since this is in the small dog section are you getting a Doberman Pinscher confused with a Min Pin?
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I never even noticed that :oops: Miniature Pinscher is a whole different story :shock: .
  5. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    i think i got the wrong pplace but ima talkin about the big dobermans
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If I were you I would go to a good pet store and get a book about Dobies, Petsmart have a great range of books available.

    The description in this link is about the best you'll get (at least from most of the Dobies Ive worked with), but I have to say that I am absolutely against ear cropping and only believe tail docking should be done for medical/health reasons. Im in Germany now and its great to see Dobies, Boxers, Rotts, Pit Bulls and Great Danes with all ears and tails intact.
    I would also back up the advice on there about socialization, its vital with this breed, important in all breeds but this is one of the more difficult breeds to socially re-condition....in my experience....so start as you mean to go on. I personally consider them very intelligent dogs in general.
    Not a breed for someone who has little experience with dogs.


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