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how do you wake up in the morning?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by kathy5, Sep 3, 2004.

  1. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    every morning taz my big orange cat comes into my room & either lays on top of my belly ( he Is around 14 LBS ) knowing full well that I will have to get up because I need to go to the potty or he sits by the edge of my bed & paws at my face I like to be woken up but the latter of the 2 he Is such a funny cat
  2. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    My Socks and Mittens don't wake me up since they have to sleep in the family room at night.

    We've tried to let them have the run of the house during the night but they kept waking me up in the middle of the night by meowing and pawing at my face and looking in my face and purring. Then we tried to close our bedroom door but they kept scratching the door which kept waking us up plus we were afraid they were going to ruin the door.

    Soooo, they seem very contented to sleep in the family room and are very quiet until we let them out in the morning when we get up. :m27:
  3. LuvMyPets

    LuvMyPets New Member

    LOL, when my cats sleep in my room, I don't get woken up in the morning, they wake me up constantly! One's always curled up on my head, or laying on my feet happily gnawing on my toes, or someplace in between. They have to sleep with my sister, she doesn't wake up for anything. :lol: Plus they all like to terrorize all my little animals that I keep in my room, I won't have them anywhere else, I worry too much, and that's why I get to have the master bedroom! :y_the_best:
  4. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    My cats don't wake me up at all. In fact they make it difficult to get out of bed because they are all curled up so cute around me. Sometimes, like this morning funny enough, I wake up in the exact same position I fell asleep in. I was on my stomach with one cat on either side of me and one inbetween my feet. More than a few muscles in my body were not happy about being in the same position all night though.
  5. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    lol what cute stories!

    Lex usually sleeps between my legs or by my feet then migrates up to lay by my head and purr. i'm a light sleeper so that usually wakes me up.

    Now that i have Razberry, he's woken me up on a couple mornings my sticking his little nose into my ear and purring/licking .
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    I don't allow my cats in my bedroom regularly (I keep my guinea pig in there) but when its really hot I do leave my door open and just about everytime I wake up with Bean wrapped around my head on my pillow sometimes he tries to pull the rubberband out of my hair with his teeth.. Ouch! LOL. Tiddy usually sleeps on my bed next to the wall kneading my blanket, Chieve sleeps on top of me and sometimes wakes me up by rubbing his paws over and over on the calendar hanging on the wall near my bed :mrgreen:. Rhiannon licks my arm raw and Hoggle rubs his face all over mine getting hair in my mouth and eyes.
    Bella does'nt usually lay on my bed when I'm in it but she will lay in it when I'm not. Needless to say, I don't usually get a good nights sleep when I leave my door open.
  7. Jenn

    Jenn New Member

    Mine don't wake me up, I'm up and down a lot anyway. However, having 5 or 6 cats in the bed make it hard to get up and down. I hate to disturb them, but sometimes I have to push one or two off. LoL :lol:

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