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How many times do you feed your dog?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Tweety, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. Tweety

    Tweety New Member

    How many times do you usually feed your dog? I have a hit zu ( 2 months old)...how many times should I feed it and what's the right amount? I normally feed it about 2-3 times about normally 1 cup is this about right?

    When is the right time to stop feeding it at nighttime before bed?
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    For a puppy I would do 3-4 daily meals until 6 months of age and then switch to 2 meals daily. The amount to feed depends on the individual dog as well as the brand of food being fed so I would start with the guidelines on the back of the bag and adjust if necessary.
  3. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    My 4 month old Brittany

    He eats a fukll cup in the mourning 6am half a cup around Noon then a full cup at night around 6pm. some days he eats it all other times its just half a cut in the mourning half a lunch and full at night or half at night
    i give him 30 minutes to eat and drink as much as he can at each feeding and thats it after that it gets put away.


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