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how many walks needed for toy dogs?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by casper, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. casper

    casper New Member

    hey guys,
    i was just wondering how long toy dogs can hold it in for? i was hoping for three walks a day. do u think i'll need to do more?
    I know when i first get the pup, the walks will be more frequent but i'm talking about once they're mature. i walk my other dog 3x a day and was just hoping that'd be sufficient for a toy shihpoo too.
    anyone know? should i just train the dog to go inside (which i really dont'w ant to do)
  2. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    :eek: :eek:
    hello and welcome! be sure to post pictures so we can see.. :eek: :eek:

    As for how many times to walk your dog well, I think more information is needed. How old is this dog? When you say walking you mean taking him out to go potty? I take my dogs out at 6:30am, 8:30am, 3:30 pm and then again around 10 or so. When will you feed he/she I think if you have he/she on a schedule w/eating 3x per day that may work for you. I have been told that the general rule for how often to take a puppy out is is 1 hour per month for ex: 1 month old=can hold it for 1 hour
    2 months =can hold it for 2 hours :wink: :0023:

    Hope this helped 8-[
    I will request my babyshipoo and monster to the stand to clairfy it all... :bow_now:
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    LOL@papillon... :)

    I bet mybabyshihpoo will have a better answer... I can only answer from experience.

    Bailey (who is a year old) goes outside (or for walks) at least four times a day.... first time is around 7:00 am then 12:30/1:00 (or whenever i come home for lunch), then 6:00pm and then again around 10-11pm. He goes potty each time and he doesn't have any accidents, so my guess is that taking him outside four times is best. I'm sure if I took him more, he'd go more..... So, in my little opinion, I think that three times will not be enough.
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Great answers papillon/mom and Monster! :y_the_best: Although you two answered her question very well, I will just add my two cents:

    When you say "walk," I am assuming you mean take your pup out to eliminate, instead of take him for a walk/stroll around the neighborhood. If I am understanding that correctly, then no, I am not quite sure that 3 times a day would be enough, esp. for a smaller breed dog. I let Mickey & Tigger, my two shih-poos, out to eliminate about 4-5 times daily, sometimes more if we or they had been playing a lot and drinking a lot of water as a result.

    When they were puppies, I took them out every 45 min. - 1 hr., then gradually increased that time once they were able to hold it for longer periods of time.

    So, all in all, when your shih-poo is an adult, you may have to let him/her out a few more times than your other dog, but not many more, I would imagine!

    Frankly speaking, I wouldn't go that route unless you plan on making it a permanent thing. Do be aware that litter/paper training can backfire in the future. So, if you would prefer your shih-poo do his/her business outdoors, then outdoors it is!

    That's my opinion on it all! :D

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