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How much am I supposed to feed a 6 week old malte-poo?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by luchito, Mar 1, 2006.

  1. luchito

    luchito New Member

    I have a six week old malte-poo that I have had since she was 3 1/2 weeks old(very sad/long story). Well now that she is getting older she is hungry all the time! The canned food I am feeding her says to give her 3/8 of a can a day but the doesn't seem like a lot of food. and she is always hungry after she eats. I don't want to risk overfeeding or under feeding. Anyone have any advice?
  2. madeline

    madeline New Member

    Im not sure about canned food, I never feed my maltipoo can food, I got her when she was 8 weeks I gave her Royal Canine 33 Puppy kibble, I used to give her the suggested amount that was stated on the bag, It goes by the weight that the dog would be fully grown, you have to guess at that, but if you know who the dogs parents are you can usually have a pretty good guess. I used to wet it abit when she was really young.
    You dont want to feed them too much, they will just keep eating so you have to go by the directions on the can or bag for the daily recommended requirements.
    How much does your pup weight do you have any idea on the weight the dog will be full grown?

    Pups will usually eat whatever you give them so it is quite easy to overfeed them. Madeline is 6 months old now, I give her 1 cup of food a day, I know if I gave her 2 cups she would eat it but would end up one tubby little dog.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I would feed as much as she wants right now, probably for about another 2 weeks. If you havent had her checked by a vet for intestinal parasites then you should do that as they can make a difference to her appetite (never feeling full) and her overall health.

    At about 8 - 10 weeks try and get her on a 4 times daily feeding schedule (with very small dogs, 3 times a day for larger breeds).

    Make sure your using a quality puppy food, if you start using dry food then add some warm water to it to make it mushy, its a bit tough on their teeth, hard to chew up at this age.

    I wouldnt worry about her gaining an extra bit of weight right now, its better to be a little over than under and as she gets bigger she'll sleep less and be more active so it wont take much to run off any extra weight she doesnt need.

    Good luck.
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Ditto on giving her as much as she wants right now. These little guys are so prone to hypoglycemia at this age. She needs to have enough food to keep her blood sugar from dropping dangerously low. If she seems unusually sleepy and lethargic, rub a little corn syrup on her gums and see if that perks her up. If it does, she's hypoglycemic and needs something to eat right away.

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