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how much water for shih tzu puppy????

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by jenjenrus, Jan 11, 2006.

  1. jenjenrus

    jenjenrus New Member

    hello....i am new to this forum. i just got a 6 week old shih tzu. His name is Ditto and he is the cutest little guy! He is a great eater and plays hard...then sleeps hard :D However, i notice that he doesn't drink much. does anyone know how much a shih tzu puppy this age should be drinking? Thanks so much!
  2. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    I don't know the answer to that ... but can just tell you from experience.... everytime my dogs play, or come in from a long walk, they go to the water bowl and lap it up... for several seconds. They also drink after eating, etc.... The water bowl is never "empty" but I would guess they each drink about 1/2 or 1/3 a bowl of water each. (probably closer to 1/3 normally, and 1/2 on heavy PLAY days!) :)

    Hope that helps...I would recommend that you talk to your vet, because he/she should definitely be drinking water.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Firstly at 6weeks he should still be with his mother.

    Has the breeder been giving him a milk substitute instead of water as this could be why he is not trying water.
    A bowl of fresh clean water should be availbale to the puppy at all times as they usually keep going back to it for a drink.

    Find out from the breeder what the pups where drinking as it does sound to me it was not water.
    Also i agree with myshipoo see your vet and see what he/she says as puppies can become dehydrated rapidly if not getting enough fluid.

    Let us know how things turn out..

  4. jenjenrus

    jenjenrus New Member

    reply from vet for lack of drinking

    I spoke to the vet and they said about 1 oz per lb...so between 2.5 and 3 oz. That is not too much at all...but he is under 3lbs. The breeder had him drinking water. Also, I am feeding him soft moist food and adding in small dry food that has been softened with water. They said that the moist food has a lot of water in it so that might be why he isn't drinking as much as I think he should. He is urinating frequently (not too frequent) so I think that we are fine. Thanks for the replies.

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