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How nice

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    For the first time....my yard and place is almost empty!!!!

    Only Momma Black, Hanky Spanky are here!!!!

    Well and Char and Smokey

    Man, its nice..... I had an extra 45 minutes this morning. I went back to bed! then got up and went to work!!!!

    Now I'm just wondering whats going to come my way....They always say, silence before the storm......

    Jamiya, did you ever get those pics to post???
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    No! I have been cursing at the mailbox every day! Did you just send one batch so far? Is there any way for you to trace them through the post office?

    And you used to work at a zoo? How awesome! I used to watch the zookeeper shows on Animal Planet when we first got Nala. There wasn't much else on at 5am, LOL.

  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    YEah. I was at the Houston City ZOo for two summers. Part of the Zoo Crew. Still have my badge and tee!!! It was soooo awsome. Kiva, the male Girafe was my buddy. I miss him alot. I worked mainly in the hoof stock.

    Yeah I sent a manilla envelope with about 12 photos in it. I knew I should have gottent he insurance thingy on it so I could track it.... Maybe some one got it and will return it. OR they live by you and will recognize the name..... grrrr. Well if that doesn't work. I'll just send another pack. UPS this time!
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Blasted postal service. Why don't they ever lose my junk mail? They only lose the important stuff!! :x

    I'll interrogate the children one more time to be sure they haven't seen it and used it to build a fort or "filed" it in their "office" or something...

  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    wew, some peace and quiet for a change. :D

    now hwo are momma black and hanky spanky?

    Jimiya, love the avatar

  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Momma Black is Rattigan and Ralphs momma. Hany Spanky is a little of this, little of that, a dash of this, and a pinch of that... She was injured and had hip problems. Now she's the bounciest most annoying dog in the whole wide world!!! She'll be a year in about 2 months. She was dumped as a very FAT 5-6 wk old pup. Now, she's long and lanky and never stops moving. Her hip is ok now, she walks on her left back leg, but trots and runs on 3leggs!!! Its funny to watch. I guess she got used to doing it when she was hurt, and now its just habbit, but nothing is wrong with it.

    God that dog annoys the crud outta me. Instead of barking when someone drives up in the drive way. She barks as they leave. Anything she can get her litte chops on, she eats.

    Granvel had brought home a 5 gallon bucket of Rig soap (oil drilling rigs use it to wash the oil off the stages so workers don't slip and hurt themselves....Very strong stuff) Anyhow, he was going to wash his tools with it. Its a pink powder..... WEll, Hanky was running in the yard, and found the new bucket.....Somehow, and I'll never know how she did it, she unscrewed the top of the bucket and pulled the plastic bag, full of the pink righ soap powder, tore the plastic, and ran alll through the yard with it. Needless to say, it rained that evening...... We had pink bubbles and soap EVERYWHERE!!! Looked like it had snowed pink!!!!!
  7. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Geez Sams what are you going to do with all that spare time you have?? You should take some time and Just Relax for once
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Thanks, honeybears. :oops:

  9. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Looks good Jamiya, I thought I had to much to drink and was going through the horrors cause I didn't know what was going on...... :oops:

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