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How to find GOOD breeders...

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by miss_maddy2007, Sep 4, 2005.

  1. miss_maddy2007

    miss_maddy2007 New Member

    Hi all...

    We got a shih tzu from what seemed like a good breeder and less than a week later (and $1000 later on the puppy and vet bills) we had to put her to sleep :cry:

    I wanted to know how to find a good breeder. Besides asking around, how do you know if these breeders really care about their puppies and want to find good homes for them or if they just care about the money?

    We want to get another shih tzu but we are really worried about having to go though this again...

    If anyone has any tips on how to find good, reputable breeders...it would really help!

  2. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    There is a "sticky" thread above that has a LOT of information regarding breeders. You might want to take a look at that....it's full of great information.
  3. miss_maddy2007

    miss_maddy2007 New Member

    thanks...i didn't see that before but that was what i was looking for... :)
  4. toothdoc

    toothdoc New Member


    so sorry to about your loss. I know money isn't an issue when it comes to our little puppies but were you able to get any financial compensation from the breeder?

    Just curious, where is that breeder located?
  5. miss_maddy2007

    miss_maddy2007 New Member

    We are in Georgia, as are they.

    We havent really done anything yet...it happened friday and its now sunday and tomorrow is sunday...but i will let you guys know what happens

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