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How to Potty train your dog?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Tweety, Oct 31, 2005.

  1. Tweety

    Tweety New Member

    HOw do you guys train your dog to potty train on the pad?

    need Input Plz!!!!!!
  2. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    Best way is..... More

    The best way is "crate training" Keep your puppy in the crate whenever you cant watch him and keep him in the crate at night. This will become his own place to calm down and rest.. It takes a few nights to get use to TRUST ME!! at first they hate the crate but soon begin to love it. they will NOT go to the washroom in there crate unless kept in there too long as soon as the puppy leaves the crate take him outside, every time your puppy walks around sniffing take him outside you have to watch him like a hawk for the first month to learn his signs of wanted to go pee or poo
    dont get mad at him / her when they do have an accident inside simply catch them in the act and rush them outside , my Brittany took about 3 weeks to get fully house trained dureing the last month he has gone inside the house ONCE and it was at the back door were i always take him out it was my own fault as I was sleeping on the counch and didnt hear him.. It takes time and patients but doesnt take long

    Dave :D

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