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how to potty train

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by libbie994, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. libbie994

    libbie994 New Member

    i have a female shih-poo that is 10 months old I have been potty training her and she is still having alot of acidents she sometimes goes three or four days without having an acident but then she will have two or three in a row I let her out every 3 hours so what can i do to finish her potty training

    because the sooner she is potty trained the sooner we can start having a love love relation ship instead of a love dislike cleaning up after her relationship
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Are you using a crate? If not, using a crate or confining her to a pen or small area when she can't be supervised would help speed up your potty training greatly. Do you go outside with her so you can praise her when she goes out there?
    When she is out of confinement she needs to be watched like a hawk so that you can get her outside in time if you notice any signs that she may have to go. Each accident she has inside sets you back so indoor accidents need to be prevented as much as possible in order for potty training to be successful.
  3. libbie994

    libbie994 New Member

    I do put her in a crate when I am not home and when ever she is out of her crate she is on a leash so that she is always bey my side and i can see what she is doing. I do not go out with her when she goes but i watch so i know she goes and then i praise her and give her a treat is there anything else that i can do?
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    Are you praising her when she comes back into the house? If so, you are reinforcing her coming back into the house not her urinating outside. She needs praise the second she has finished urinating/deficating. This can be best accomplished if you are outside with her. Once she is fully housetrained you won't have to go outiside with her anymore.
    Is she going in the house while she is on the leash or while in the crate?
  5. libbie994

    libbie994 New Member

    i do praise her at the door as she is entering and she pees when she is on the leash i will be watching her and look away for a sec. and then when i look back down she has had an acident. she knows she is not allowed to go in the house but she does not vocalize if she really has to go she just goes
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Then you are praising her for entering the house, not for urinating outside. The praise MUST occur the second she finishes for her to relate it to the behavior you are really trying to reinforce.
    By the time she urinates and gets back to the door she has performed multiple behaviors, how is she to know that urinating outside is the behavior you are reinforcing her for if you do not offer reinforcement directly after or during the behavior? She will be reinforced for whichever behavior she is currently doing or has just done (1-2 seconds ago) at the time of reinforcement.

    What leads you to believe she knows she is not allowed to go in the house?
    Unless she has a medical condition, at 10 months of age she should not have a problem holding it for 3hrs. If she goes on the floor while on leash in the house when you are'nt looking she does not yet understand that she should not go in the house otherwise she would hold it until you took her outside again.
    About how long after going outside does she go inside on the floor?

    My advice is to always go outside with her until she is fully house trained. Make sure she goes and be sure to praise her the second she finishes. If you are set on not going outside with her praise her from the doorway the second she finishes urinating. If she does not go bring her back inside and confine her, try again in about 15mins. I know all of this sounds like a pain but it is the fastest way to get her potty trained and if you are consistant she will learn quickly.
  7. libbie994

    libbie994 New Member

    thank you

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