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HP and the Half Blood Prince

Discussion in 'General Topics & Support Issues' started by sunset05, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm really looking forward to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince book coming out in July. I'm reading some of the last one just to refresh my memory.

    Anyone else looking forward the the new book?
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I haven't read any of the books, but I love the movies :D I've been thinking about reading the books for a long time (since the first movie) but I just haven't got around to it yet.. Do you have a favourite HP book?
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    My little sister is 10 and Harry Potter crazy. She brought home the first book from the school library and since then I've been hooked. My mother always makes me take them to see the Harry Potter movies which I can't say is a bad thing, we always drag my cousin along and she's 30 and still loves the books.
  4. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I've seen all the movies, too. I was trying to think if one of the books was my favorite and I have to say no. I liked them all although the 4th and 5th books were rather long but still good.

    It does seem Harry Potter has an appeal for all ages. Not only do kids like the books but I know other adults that love them, also. That is so nice to know.

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Movie is coming out in November. Can't wait for that, either. I guess I shouldn't say that because I don't want to wish my life away. I guess I can wait. Tee Hee. :lol:
  5. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I can't wait for HP and the Goblet of Fire either. I've seen the previews for it and it looks amazing!
  6. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    One more week to go for the new book to come out.

    I ordered mine on amazon.com months and months ago and I got an email awhile back that said it would be delivered on the day of release for those who ordered early. I have to be home, though, to be here to sign for it. Guess I'll be home on the 16th.

  7. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Well, I finished reading it and am reading it again the second time; only a little slower now to catch anything I missed since I was anxious to get through it the first time.

    I thought it was very good but disturbing. A lot was revealed. I also enjoyed how it was balanced with humor between the serious stuff. Don't want to say too much as not to give anything away.

    Can't wait for the last book to come out to see what happens.

    How did anyone else who read it like it?
  8. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I enjoyed it. It was quite a bit darker than the previous books which I thought was good, but I know a few people who didn't like that aspect. I'm eagerly awaiting the final one now! What - 2 years or so to go until then??

    I've got some theories in my head... :)
  9. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I've also got some theories. My husband has read the books, too, and we discuss them. I enjoy that.

    I agree, the last book and this one were darker than previous books, but I thought at least Harry didn't have to deal in Half Blood Prince with Voldemort in his head as he had to in the last book.

    I guess it will be a little while until the next book. I read that J.K. Rowling said she is taking a break to be with her baby more.
  10. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I still have to wait for my sister to finish reading it. I did steal it a few weeks ago and skimmed through it, pretty much ruining the ending for myself but that's what I always do.

    From what I've read it does seen to be darker than her other books.

    Actually looking back the first book kind of seemed a little Disney-ish with the perfect ending and good triumphing over evil , but I've definately enjoyed the last few books a lot more. They seem to have a more realistic turn to them.
  11. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I enjoyed it too, but I was very disappointed with the ending! I can't believe she did that!
  12. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I also couldn't believe what she did. I'm hoping things are not what they seem.

    I agree the first book especially was very mild, but I do like the theme of good overcoming evil which continues through all the books.

    It does get more difficult for Harry as he matures, but I love that about it, too. I love watching these kids grow up.

    Who is your favorite character?
  13. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Dumbledore is my favorite!! :x And then probably Hagrid--outside of Harry of course.
    I haven't found any other adults to quiz about these books lol. I had to ask one of my friends to ask her daughter what a squib and a mudblood was. I was afraid to go on any web-sites for fear that they would give the book away. I don't even read the jackets. I think that's why I love her books so much--I can't figure them out! But I DID figure out who the Half Blood Prince was (but not until right before the book told us).
  14. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    You do have to be careful about the websites giving spoilers away. Especially in the discussion areas.

    I think a lot of adults read Harry Potter. It seems to have a vast age group of fans.

    There is a section on mugglenet.com that is a dictionary section where you can look up definitions of a lot of the terminology. I've been there to look up meaning of spells, etc.

    I love all the characters but I have to say the Harry is my favorite. He has such a good heart and doesn't want do do anyone harm. He is an average student but he is thrown into situations at a young age that most of the other wizards couldn't fathom. Harry has so much to deal with but never falters in his love of friends and family.

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