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Hurricane Charley and my pups' families

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by pyrmom, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    I have been sitting here worrying about Storm and 3 of my pups who are located in the worst hit areas.

    One pup, Cali lives right on the west coast where the storm came ashore as a catagory 4. One pup, Ubaloo lives outside of Orlando and the third, Casper was in residential training (his mom is my friend who has had her back broken twice) was also in Orlando. I can't get Ubaloo or Cali's families on the phone and Carol has to wait until 9 to find out about her boy. I'm woried about the owners, who have all become friends, but can't help worrying about the storm's effect on the pups as well.

    Since the storm was so "wonky" there was simply NOT enough time for Carol to drive to Orlando and get out before the storm hit, once it became apparent that Orlando was in the path.

    This is nerve racking to say the least. All those poor folks, hit so hard and here I sit, worried about only a few and how this storm will effect the pups! :cry:
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm so sorry! I hope they are all okay. It's so hard when you can't reach them and you don't know. Our thoughts are with you and the families in Florida. I'm sooooo glad my grandparents moved out of Florida a couple of years back. One less thing to worry about.
  3. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    In truth, given the options of ghurricanes, earthquakes and tornados...think I'll take the hurricanes. They are USUALLY a bit more predictable than this odd ball. Never saw one shift quite like it on land in memory and I'm a native of 53 years!
  4. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    I live way up north in the Pacific N.W., so I've never experienced a hurricane before....but I was listening to the radio last night, and he was talking to a woman wo had made it through the storm in her mobile home....she had sent the rest of her family to the nearest shelter, but she stayed behind, because they wouldn't allow animals in the shelter, and she said there was no way she was leaving her cat behind. Is it true that there isn't any place they will let you bring your pets to keep them safe when that is happening? I don't think I could leave my pets behind either. Luckily for this woman, she said she made it through okay, that a tree had fallen across her mobile home just right so that it actually help hold it all together, so her and her cat made it through. Sounds so awful!
  5. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    First of all, if I lived in a mobile home, I'd have been outta' there so fast it would make your head spin, those things have big, bright red targets painted on them! There ARE some shelters which allow pets, while most don't. Logic is that they are accepting folks who may have serious allergic conditions to animals and no way to treat emergencies during a hurricane. HOWEVER that being said, she could have gotten in her car and driven even an hour east or southeast and been safe.

    The high scholl where I am employed is a shelter. We have a vet tech program and are set up to accept pets during emergencies, so I am lucky that way.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Rather than staying, I think I would have packed up the cat in a crate and driven out of Florida. You can always sneak a cat into a hotel or something. Especially if it's just one of them.

    I didn't think about people with allergies. I was thinking they should allow pets in shelters if they are contained, but I guess allergies would be bad. Still, you'd think they could have set SOMETHING up!

    I live in the middle of tornado country and have for the past 14 years - but we luckily have never had a very close call. *knock on wood*
  7. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    FINALLY head from Andrea, the last one on my list. She had some property damage, roof's off the barn, floodiy. That's everyone accounted for except Stormy.
  8. smokey

    smokey New Member

    i'm thinking about stormy every day and hoping no word is because of no power, and that things are reasonably okay. :(
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have been worried about Stormy as well. :(
  10. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    It may be another week before all electric is restored. Guess we have to just keep waiting patiently and praying in the meantime.

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