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Hurricane Frances

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by pyrmom, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. pyrmom

    pyrmom New Member

    Well, looks like it's our turn with a hurricane. Frances seems on a dead run to St. Lucie county. I live 1 mile from the coast so the next few days will be spent in preperation. We do ahve a shelter that will allow us to bring the dogs, the school where I work..so we have the option of going there if we're evacuated. Today and tomorrow will be spent getting all the supplies and boarding up everything. As long as the roof holds out, we should be ok.

    Well, may be even more silent than work has made me over the next couple of weeks. I'll try to keep you updated. Say a prayer and wish us luck! something tells me we're gonna' need it!
  2. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Everyone who lives on the Gulf or Atlantic coast knows the apprehension you are facing. All you can do is prepare as best you can. It's good that you have located a shelter where you can take your dogs. You all will weather the storm better together.
    For those of you who have never tracked a Hurricane by the hour, as we do down here, here is a site:
    http://www.wunderground.com/tropical/tr ... 00406.html
    Let's all send our prayers to pyrmom and her whole family, and everyone else in Florida.
  3. stravieso

    stravieso New Member

    I'm in the same boat. I'm in Miami and they are still uncertain where is going to hit. I went through Andrew and I can tell you it was the scariest day of my life. I too can't go to a shelter since I have Bella so hopefully the roof holds up and we're ok. It's such a huge hurricane that even if it goes north, we'll get some of it.

    Pyrmom, I wish you good luck and best wishes. I will be praying for everyone in Florida.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I wish you all luck and will say a prayer for each and every one of you! Dogs too!

    Send some of the rain my way ok??? We could use it!
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I am praying for all your safety, boy saw it on teh news this morning and it looks big, lets pray it changes toward an easterly coast.

  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Board up you homes and hightail it out of there. Don't stay on the coast. Don't take any chances with you lives.
  7. Rene

    Rene New Member

    good luck I will be praying for your family's saftey
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

  9. smokey

    smokey New Member

    get to the school! good luck to you (i'm also pearl on TP)
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

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