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Husband and I new to breeding

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by LindseyL1222, Oct 10, 2005.

  1. LindseyL1222

    LindseyL1222 New Member

    My husband and I are interested in breeding, we're attempting guppies right now beccause I know how easily they breed. We have 1 male and 1 Female in a seperate tank from the rest of our fish. (we have about 35-40 in a 55 gallon tank) they're in a small but nice tank in our baby daughters room and we wanted to know is that okay? Can we breed like that? In a seperate tank? We mainly have tetra in our big tank along with other commuinity fish and we want advice on the right way to breed. We've always wanted to try but we're just now attempting. Should we go out and get more guppies? A bigger tank? It's only a 1 gallon with a small plant in it. We have a safe filter so none of the babies will get sucked up and we have the required food and everything we know to seperate them when they DO have babies and we know to wait about a week to 2 weeks to move them into the bigger tank but will my tetra get along with them? As I said it's maily tetra and goldfish in the other tank. We're just hoping we do this right. My daughter has dubbed the fish, Mr. and Mrs. Bubble. Really cute! lol Well, can I just get some advice. I really want to do this and it would be helpful. Thank you

    Lindsey L. :p
  2. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    First of all, welcome to the forum.
    I'm not sure on the size of you tank. I have successfully bred fancy guppies in a 10 gallon with a heater, filter, and plenty of plastic plant hiding places. The hiding spots will ensure that some of the little baby fry will survive, as the parents will try to eat them.
    Adequate hiding spots may be a problem with a small tank or bowl.
    Anyways, try your best and please keep us all posted!
  3. LindseyL1222

    LindseyL1222 New Member

    More breeding questions 4 you!

    So now, how do I know they're pregnant? After some adequite research, I found that males breed better with 3 females to 1 male so I bought two more female guppies but they where intermixed w/ the males so.... IDk what to do or how to know when they're pregnant... I made sure that they where females by finging the gravid spot I think it's called and purchasing those 1s we are currently trying to breed in a 10 gallon. I bought a breeding net too today one with little plastic plants for the fry to hide. My huisband is starting to call me crazy. But I really think I could enjoy it. I enjoyed giving birth to my twins, John Jr. and Anastasia. Why not let the fish have the same experience? Course I didn't try to eat my young when the where born. lol. My friends at work think I'm nuts lol. Bt please can you post pictures of some pregnant guppies for me? So I know when and what to look for?

    Thank you!

    Lindsey L. :wink:

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