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I am so frustrated!

Discussion in 'General Topics & Support Issues' started by Bente, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. Bente

    Bente New Member

    For over a month now, they have been renovating the exteriour (? - the outside) of the house we live in. It has been extreme noises (drilling, hammering, workers stomping on the roof and so on) from 7am to at least 3pm, and sometimes even to 7pm every day. And some times, like today, they even work Saturdays!

    For the first three weeks it was so bad we couldn't even stay in our apartment when it was at it's worst. I've had many days just hanging out in the park, almost feeling homeless. And besides all the noise it's all the little things that comes with it: covered windows = no light and bad air, workers right outside our windows looking in, the cats being scared. This just doesn't feel like a home anymore, and we are unable to relax here, even at night when it's quiet. That's also the reason I havent been around here at Auspet as much as I used to.

    Today I'm extra irritated, I got home from work at 1am last night ,and I woke up at 7am by workers walking on the roof right over my head and drilling. It was impossible to sleep, so I had to get up. I'm not looking forward to working from 7pm to 4am tonight with so little sleep... :?

    PS: as I wrote this, the house owner rang the door. We wrote a letter to him earlier this week where we asked for a discount in the rent because of all the problems we've had with this renovation. And he said we didn't have to pay rent at all this month, yay! Finally one positive thing :)
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Bente. I feel your pain! LOL On our street they are doing major work. It's so noisy! Huge holes are being dug, gigantic tractors are going back and forth, jack hammers are drilling away...well you get the idea. Basically, they are moving the gas line over to make room for a huge drainage pipe. This work will take a total of 6 months to complete! It won't be done until January! :shock: Even when we close all of our windows, it's still so noisy. I can't wait till it's over. So, just be thankful your project will not last 6 months. Hang in there. :wink:
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Thanks for the supporting words Chessmind :) At least the work here will be done before the winter sets in (i hope :wink: )
  4. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    You both seem to be having a horrible time with noise and construction problems. As Chessmind said, hang in there. It can't go on forever.
    It must be horrible, though, to have your day so messed up and your nights uncomfortable.

    And the kitties being upset I'm sure is not helpful either. My kitties would be beside themselves.

    Hopefully it won't be too long before it is over. I like the free rent part. :D
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    *Hugs* Bente. That's a very tough situation. Hang in there. I live near the airport and they finished extending a runway. Over the summer, the normal route was diverted to where I live and every 2 minutes, I can hear the planes over my roof and the house will sometimes shake as well. That was no fun. I can totally sympathize with you and Chessmind. I'm glad you got compensation for your suffering.
  6. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Oh, that would drive me crazy. Has the value of your home gone down, because of the new flight path? We also get a few planes per day, but that's about it. Thank goodness!
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    I've actually gotten used to the sounds. Actually the value of my home stayed the same. Maybe it did go down for the three quarters of the year that they worked on it. The planes went back to their normal flight routes after the new runway was constructed so I no longer hear them. :mrgreen: :eek:

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