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I felt bad

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Rene, Jun 25, 2004.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    My poor Sebastain yesterday when i got home from work he grabbed his green squeaky ball and wanted to play well i'm a single mom so i had to make dinner, water the front yard and the back yard, do the dishes the poor little guy followed me everywhere with that ball in his mouth by the time i could finally play with him he hid the darn ball so i took them for an extra long walk. When i finally got to sit down he was sitting right in front of my barking and barking (i guess he was yelling at me) so i got up and followed him he went to his food bowl little brat wanted me to hand feed him. So i gave him a piece of his food and he threw it across the room then he finally started eating when we went to bed he came up right by my head and ploped down with a big sigh poor little guy i felt bad for him so tonight we will go for a long walk again

  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Hopefully he wil learn that he is not the only thing that needs being cared for. Just make time for him. Don't feel to bad. You have to take care of your home.
  3. Rene

    Rene New Member

    He is a little spoiled but then so are all my animals but sebastain gets in these moods where he seems like he dosent feel good and is glued to my side or barking at me to pick him up. I think it's just for attention the first time i rushed him to the vet 700.00 later we guessed he just had a tummy ache so i dont run to the vet as often anymore but he does worry me sometimes when he is in that mood.

  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    If you think he has stomach problems maybe get something to aide in his digestion. Do you ever feel that he is not digesting his food well. My poodle had that problem. She was forever belching(not loud) but I would always smell her food. I was going to buy some digestive enzymes for her, but the pet supply women suggested Innova instead. She said it had good things in it for the tummy that helped with digestion. It did work. But ask a pet supply person that knows what they are talking about.
  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    thanks i will look into that my other babie Jasmine burps all the time maybe she needs it also. as for Sebastain i think he gets depeessed sometimes when i run out of time or dont play with him so he acts like a something is wrong so i will hold him and baby him. Now that my son's baseball is over i will have more time for puppies. i call them puppies but they really arn't Sebastain will be 2 in aug. and Jas is 1.5 years old i guess cuz they are so small i call them babies or puppies :lol:

  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Me too, Rufus is 4 and sasha 7 1/2 but their my puppies or babies or puppers.

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