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I got a new Betta fish and any tips???

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Trickster, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Well he looks like his back fin is damaged but i dont mind. Right now he lives in a small jar like can aquariam (Betta condo) and im upgrading to about a 2-3 gallon tank, any tips about my beta and wht fish to add with him? (I dont want more bettas) Im thinking of a red wag platty
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    i dont think you can add anymroe fish in a small size tank like that. for bettas thats a perfect size, but for other fish thats too small and there is no filtration. you can add a snail or two in the 2-3 gallon. also, dont worry aobut the fin......it sohuld heal up in no-time.
  3. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    well i wasnt adding to a beta condo. i was gonna add into the 3 gallon tank when i get it. then after tht im upgrading to a 5 gallon with filter, i want to add a fish tht also dont need a heater or filtration system and can live with another fish in 3 gallon. All i use now is water conditioner. So wht kind of fish could live with my beta in tht small 3 gallon tank and no heater or filtration????
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    In a non-filtered, non-heated 3 gallon, there's really not much you can put in there. If you added a heater, you could get an african dwarf frog because they breath atmospheric air. They don't do too well with cooler temperatures, though, so you'd definitely need a heater. I think apple snails are about your only option.

  5. daisy0802

    daisy0802 New Member

    I've had bettas since I was 5 and I'm 14 now. :D I've tried putting in different fish that don't necessarily need air put in, like the african dwarf frogs, and goldfish, but my betta killed them all! :roll: I'd suggest not getting any other fish to put in with him, except maybe a mystery snail. (which I have with mine) keeps the tank clean and are fun to watch. :mrgreen: African dwarf frogs ~supposedly~ can live with bettas, but not so for me. If you want to try it you can see what yours does. Yours may be more docile than mine. (which I thought ~was~ docile. LOL)

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