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I guess I will just never understand......sad puppy story

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by nern, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. nern

    nern New Member

  2. Rene

    Rene New Member

    OMG that is so so sad :m13:
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Bless Her Sweet Little Heart. She was so couragous and determind. I hope her owners are found and made public so everyone can tell them what despicable people they are. What an example they are to their children.

    At least she felt loved from her Foster Mom and Caregivers.
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Ive got a few salty words for the parents of the poor puppy. Oh god, These things as much as I read them, I can never, not get upset. Tears flow every time. I thank god that I have not toughened up about these sorts of things.
  5. nightstalker

    nightstalker New Member

    It was not stated on the website that the puppy died.
  6. O.K.! that about sent me over the edge!!! that puppy looks exactly like my Casey......Makes me want to hurt someone REAL BAD!!!!! :x

    Susan :cry:
  7. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Nern, I didn't read anything about the pup passing away. Did I miss something?

    I can't believe those jerks left the poor puppy to suffer.

    :( :x
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I hope they manage to press charges. The kid was stupid to jump in the pool with the pup, but to then just throw her in the backyard and wait for her to die - I can't understand it at all! :x
  9. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member


    That about says it all. I'm so sick to my stomach right now!
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I havent read anything that she died either. But I did catch a cliping in the paper about this little girl.
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    If you look on the site for updates on the pup, you will find that they had to euthanize the pup becuase he end up having to much trauma going on in his head, appearing to be causing him too much truama. So they ended his poor life.

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