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I have a 3 month old Shihpoo Need help with biting

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by CoCo's Mom, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. CoCo's Mom

    CoCo's Mom New Member

    I am new and this forum has helped me so much over the past 6 weeks. My female poo is 3 months old today and she had her first trim from a groomer. When CoCo plays she likes to bite but usually not very hard. She apparently did not like the groomer holding her face and bit her hard. CoCo also likes to rush for your face when playing. How do I break her of this habit? I brushed her everyday. Usually she likes to gnaw on my finger (again not hard) or one of her rubber bones while I am brushing her. The groomer said I need to break her of biting or she will become ungroomable. I never thought I could love a dog so much. Right now she owns two humans(my husband and I) and I probably should correct that before she gets too much older. Help!!
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    During play when she rushes towards your face you should end the play session, maybe say Ouch! as well before ending it. Wait a few minutes and try again but always end the play session when she goes for your face.
    For grooming, you can practice on her at home. Touch her feet, hold her legs and her muzzle and give praise/treat for this when she remains calm. Doing this a for a few minutes each day should help her get used to it. If possible have your husband do this too and a few friends or family members once you get her used to you touching her and holding her muzzle, ect. This should help her remain calm during grooming regardless of who is doing the grooming.
    My toy poodle is very aggressive when he goes to the groomer. He must be muzzled and has bitten a groomer and even drew blood once. I can't groom him myself at all but I have been practicing touching him (he especially goes nuts if you touch his feet) and praising him for remaining calm. He is 8yrs old and I did'nt get him until he was 6yrs old so its going to take a lot of practice on my part.
    Since your dog is still just a puppy I think things might be a little easier. Best of luck. :D
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: WELCOME to AusPet Coco's Mom!!! :eek:

    Nern gave some great advice!!! :y_the_best:

    You're right, the biting needs to stop now...no exceptions! If your pup isn't taught that biting is unacceptable, the problem will worsen to a point where it will be very difficult to break, and the biting could become severe!

    Even gnawing at you fingers should be unacceptable. Basically, any time her teeth touch your skin should be considered biting. Even though she didn't technically "bite" you, it's not a habit that you should allow only b/c it will eventually turn into biting.

    Biting is an issue that's been discussed here quite often, so I'll copy and paste some of my responses from previous threads concerning this issue so you can read a little more about it:

    I hope that helps you out a bit! :D
  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Great advice guys!!!
  5. Brian

    Brian New Member


    Hi and Welcome !!

    Very great advice!

    But if nothing stops her from going for your face, try rubbing a tiny bit of Tiger Balm on your nose and let her have it. I don't think it will hurt her but just the smell of it will sure send her flying away. Don't apply it near your eyes as it may burn.

    Good Luck


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