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i have a question of a bird

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by bigben209, Mar 13, 2005.

  1. bigben209

    bigben209 New Member

    well first befor i bought my budgies i was planning to get a cockatiel but my friend scared me he said tthat u need to get them a shot after you buy them because they havve this disease that can kill you in 24 hours plz tell me if this is true so if not i can beat him up lol.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi this is not true at all i own and breed cockatiels i also have veterinary training aslong as you buy from a reputable breeder all birds will be healthy.

    I have never heard of any disease that a bird may have kill a human so i think your friend really needs to do his research.

    Cockatiels are very intelligent birds and are easily trained.

  3. armandndeb

    armandndeb New Member

    the disease you were told about

    I think your friend is talking of the avain flu caused from chickens and turkeys, so much talk on the news lately, haven,t heard of pet birds having it :D
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    There are several zoonotic diseases one might catch from infected birds. The most common are Chlamydiosis (Psittacosis in parrots), Salmonellosis, including Salmonella Arizona, Colibacillosis (E-Coli infections), and Avian Tuberculosis. A few of these, Salmonellosis, Colibacillosis, and Avian Tuberculosis can be deadly if not treated. But none of them would kill you in 24 hours, and while they may be the most common causes of bird to human infection, they aren't all that common in occurance. Also, none of them are specific to 'tiels; many different birds can carry them, including chickens and the birds flying around your yard.

    Histoplasmosis is a fungal disease that can be contracted from soils enriched with a lot of bird poo, or from bird poo in cages if you let them remain really filthy. It's not all that common, and it also isn't going to kill anyone in 24 hours.

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