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I Have Just Bought A Piranha

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Kirk, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. Kirk

    Kirk New Member

    I have just purchased a "red breasted pirhana". The woman at the pet store told me that it would be the size of a loonie. I am going to pick it up on Wendsday. I am going to house it in a ten gallon tank for a month until I get my fifty-five. Do you think that this tank will be adequate? And what should I feed the fish other than bloodworms?
  2. hooterhead

    hooterhead New Member

    what is a "loonie"? it should be good in the 10 for a little while as long as it isn't more than a couple of inches long. you'll still have to stay on top of your water changes though, as i imagine this fish will produce enormous amounts of waste.
  3. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    a loonie is a 1 dollar coin in canada.
    we do not have 1 dollar bills.
  4. hooterhead

    hooterhead New Member

    how big is it? quarter, silver dollar in america?
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I believe a loonie is about quarter sized (1"/2.5cm).

    RBP's get around 12" (31cm) plus they should be kept in groups of at least 3. And to properly house 3 of them, you're looking at about a 100+ gallon tank.

  6. hooterhead

    hooterhead New Member

    i agree with chelle. i wouldn't put just one red belly in a tank all by himself. he'll get lonely. :(
  7. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    also, a single RBP is far more likely to be skittish and cower all day long than if you had a few together.
  8. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    If you keep a Piranha by them selfs they are the most boring fish in the world unless it is something like a manny that can only be kept alone.
  9. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    DO NOT get that RBP, very dumb idea, they grow 12" and need 100+ tanks as mentioned, if u realy wanted them u could go 4 of em in a 120 gallon.

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